The root of all evil and sin revealed

Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 10:37 am
@the wise one phil,
I have to agree with much of what 'wise one' is saying. As a qualified psychologist I think his analysis cuts right to the core of the problems in society. There is nothing wrong with him at all. Does the person who suggests he has psychological problems have any such qualifications? I doubt it. Its a serious thing to impersonate a psychologist.

Perhaps wise one does take it a bit too far, out of frustration from seeing the results of this culture of selfishness and pleasure seeking from men, and from egotistical status seeking from women. The result is almost infinite debt, and a destroyed environment. This is what future generations stand to inherit. Do you think they will be grateful? Or vengeful?

The first place the criminal goes with his loot is to a prostitute.
The fraud and corruption on Wall street has at its core a profoundly psycho-sexual pathology.

But there are many examples of honest women in society. The problem is that women are at their most powerful sexually when they are young and ignorant of the effect they have on the wider world. Men are at their most powerful when they are older and wealthier, and on average, more responsible.

I grew up fornicating with many women at a liberal university, and it brought me nothing but trouble. And the root cause of this was my own egotism. I can recall being 14, losing my virginity, and quite frankly the real orgasm was afterwards boasting to my freinds that I was a man, and they were little boys still. Pathetic me!

But what coaxed me into being so pathetic? Well, its cultural. Women desire power over men, as Freud accurately described as penis-envy. Women not only want to be the barer of children, but they also want to control the creative power of men. The only way they can do this, is to use their pheremones to enslave us. And what ridiculous willing slaves we are! Especially when 14!

Its about ego. Women make themselves the center of attraction. Men all want to be the one to get the hottest girl (or the most girls). Its not an easy situation to change. But the first step, in recognising that the earth cannot bare too many more unwanted children, is to recognise that attractive women cannot be motivated by egotistic penis-envy in order to be the center of attraction. Young boys are easily corrupted into boosting their egos. Young girls are not motivated by the sex as much as what the sex will get them : attention.

Its no good that men say 'use a condom' to prevent unwanted births. Youngsters, once they have half-sex are just going to want full sex. How are you going to police that?

At some point responsibility has to kick in. And those overgrown boys with teenage sexuality make it much more difficult, especially by ignoring the wider social implications out of their own egotism.

Those talking of biology are playing cricket on a baseball pitch.

I doubt if I would have lusted in the same way, if I was not surrounded by sexual imagery, the emphasis on personal success, and the overcompetitiveness of western culture.

The root of the problem is in the teenage years. And a young boy is under the power of the young girl, who is under the power of the older men, who very often have no morals, and instigate the problem, by dangling money and power in front of the young girls. What are the older women doing? God knows!

I realise I have raised more questions than answers here. My apologies in advance.
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 01:14 pm
Poseidon;66846 wrote:
As a qualified psychologist I think his analysis cuts right to the core of the problems in society.
What is a qualified psychologist doing validating "the root of all evil and sin" as if these are extrinsic things that metaphysically exist in the world? That's one of the most anti-psychological things I've ever read. You may be "qualified", but a good psychologist would immediately understand that "the wise one" is overflowing with negativity and vindictiveness towards women as a group, not taking into account any possibility of their psychological individuality. The question this thread raises is what made him that way. A secondary question is how you can possibly validate your last post on psychological grounds...
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 02:07 pm
Poseidon;66846 wrote:
I have to agree with much of what 'wise one' is saying. As a qualified psychologist I think his analysis cuts right to the core of the problems in society. There is nothing wrong with him at all. Does the person who suggests he has psychological problems have any such qualifications? I doubt it. Its a serious thing to impersonate a psychologist.

If women are the core of the problem in society...? Are you kidding? One could say Men are the core of the problems we have in society. Men have oppressed women for centuries. Religions have clearly shown that the woman was that of a sinful nature and as a result of the MYTH, (Adam and Eve) people have bought this idea for as far back as it was created.

I came from Northern Michigan originally and from a small farming community. Women are treated differently. The overall consensus was they were to be seen and heard. The men gambled why the woman sat and watched. Women have been oppressed and it comes from stories in the Bible.

Nobody here is impersonating a psychologist and frankly, I do not recommend them because if we don't understand the meaning and direction of life, what qualifies ANYONE to sort out the thinking mind that NO ONE to this day really truly understands completely? This is where the blind lead the blind.

Poseidon;66846 wrote:
Perhaps wise one does take it a bit too far, out of frustration from seeing the results of this culture of selfishness and pleasure seeking from men, and from egotistical status seeking from women. The result is almost infinite debt, and a destroyed environment. This is what future generations stand to inherit. Do you think they will be grateful? Or vengeful?

It's the men in the world that have made women to think they have to use sex as a tool. Again, history shows clearly that the man was the 'head of the household' and the woman had a place in the home while the man when out and purchase sex. Who's egotistical here? Is it men or women who have been unfair?

Who are the we to stereotype the women without taking a look at what the men do?

My religion is better than yours, why don't we kill ourselves over it and take a bunch of innocent people with us?

Poseidon;66846 wrote:
But there are many examples of honest women in society. The problem is that women are at their most powerful sexually when they are young and ignorant of the effect they have on the wider world. Men are at their most powerful when they are older and wealthier, and on average, more responsible.

There are many examples of dishonest men in our society. There are examples of honesty and dishonesty no matter what sex you are or what color you are or your inherent cultural designations. Honesty is honesty and dishonesty is dishonesty and men and women 'both' partake in it. If you really wanted to get technical about it I see a whole heck of a lot more dishonesty between Men that I've ever seen displayed by women.

Sexually powerful? Who gives a hoot? Some young women were trained and raised as a sexual object rather than an equal human being. Most of it comes from a father or mother that either gave them an example of this or brainwashed them with this idea. Some young men also have similar problems.

What I'm saying here is that for anyone to say, "women are the root and cause of all evil and sin" is simply looking at it in one direction with a closed mind and lack of experience and education.

We're men and women working together in a world that is highly misunderstood so we create stories and sometimes the stories grow legs and arms. The equality of sexes is displayed harmoniously in nature and without the sexed opposites of ONE, creation would cease to exist.

Poseidon;66846 wrote:
I grew up fornicating with many women at a liberal university, and it brought me nothing but trouble. And the root cause of this was my own egotism. I can recall being 14, losing my virginity, and quite frankly the real orgasm was afterwards boasting to my freinds that I was a man, and they were little boys still. Pathetic me!

But what coaxed me into being so pathetic? Well, its cultural. Women desire power over men, as Freud accurately described as penis-envy. Women not only want to be the barer of children, but they also want to control the creative power of men. The only way they can do this, is to use their pheremones to enslave us. And what ridiculous willing slaves we are! Especially when 14!

Its about ego. Women make themselves the center of attraction. Men all want to be the one to get the hottest girl (or the most girls). Its not an easy situation to change. But the first step, in recognising that the earth cannot bare too many more unwanted children, is to recognise that attractive women cannot be motivated by egotistic penis-envy in order to be the center of attraction. Young boys are easily corrupted into boosting their egos. Young girls are not motivated by the sex as much as what the sex will get them : attention.

I was there too. Except I waited until I was 16. Back then it was important to becoming a man and boys talked about women and had urges and desires and much of the importance of this was displayed in our world by MEN. You touched on it though, the root of the problem was not the girl in your class but your ego. Ego could be considered more the root of all evil and sin and isn't it funny that the man has the bigger ego.

Poseidon;66846 wrote:
Its no good that men say 'use a condom' to prevent unwanted births. Youngsters, once they have half-sex are just going to want full sex. How are you going to police that?

What does the root of all sin and evil have to do with policing sex? Do we not have a mind to think and police ourselves? The problem isn't with men and it isn't with women, the problem is how we individually interpret and perceive our reality which will eventually lead us on our path.

Poseidon;66846 wrote:
I doubt if I would have lusted in the same way, if I was not surrounded by sexual imagery, the emphasis on personal success, and the overcompetitiveness of western culture.

Sexual imagery, who do you think creates this and then markets it? Men do. It's men marketing their sex object to other men... Who's fault is that? Men for centuries have treated women like objects to be bought sold and turned into sexual slaves, they still do it today. Does that mean that the women are the root of the evil? Maybe it's the men who are the root of much more of the evil we experience today.

This western culture was inherently taken over, fought over and created by MEN. The television shows, the politics, the religions all of what you see in the western culture was developed by men first and now we are seeing women who have let go of the bondage of historically inaccurate doctrines and myths all of which were created by MEN. Men wrote the bible, women were to be seen but not heard. Do you see where I'm going with this.

Aedes;66876 wrote:
What is a qualified psychologist doing validating "the root of all evil and sin" as if these are extrinsic things that metaphysically exist in the world? That's one of the most anti-psychological things I've ever read. You may be "qualified", but a good psychologist would immediately understand that "the wise one" is overflowing with negativity and vindictiveness towards women as a group, not taking into account any possibility of their psychological individuality. The question this thread raises is what made him that way. A secondary question is how you can possibly validate your last post on psychological grounds...

Amen brother.

To agree with such a preposterous idea is nothing short a deep misunderstanding of nature, Jesus, life, God, Love, and Balance and a much deeper misunderstand of the responsibility we carry within ourselves.

When shall the man awaken?

ADDED: This is of course my own opinion and my statements are not directed AT anyone but in general. This thread struck a chord and it's amazing to me that people can be so blind to that of which is expressed everyday in the very nature of our existence.

We have a man saying that Women are the root of all evil. Well, that man, had it not been for a woman that carried his body around for 9 months in the womb and then fed him from her body, would not be here or be able to start such a thread. It's amazing to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 02:11 pm
@the wise one phil,
deconstruct, mr philosopher :

evil (sin) = problem in society (pathological behaviour)

Astonishing that I need to explain that and this :

Meaning and word are not the same.

Here is an interesting article from Pravda on this theme :

Russian physiologist Leonid Kitaev-Smyk has stated that most male diseases are caused by women who adhere to provocative clothes and behaviour. As a result, the Western civilization gradually turns into the society of sexually unsatisfied men and eventually unsuccessful and physically unhealthy men, the scientist considers.

US researchers published results of their 30-year-long work. It suggested that 80 percent of men aged over 60 who died for different reasons had prostate cancer apart from other diseases. Every third American and European male aged over 30 has problems with potency and the prostate gland. The situation is quite different in the Muslim East. Arabs have the lowest rates of prostate cancer. Scientists considered that it depends on climate and meals and studied carefully the Oriental diet and tried to find any food with preventive action. They failed, although the clue is quite obvious.

Since the start of the sexual revolution women of the developed world took to wearing revealing clothes, while Oriental women still wear gowns and yashmaks, said Leonid Kitaev-Smyk, the senior research officer of the Russian Research Institute of Culturology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the street men cannot satisfy all desires they have. They see naked parts of the body - miniskirts and transparent tops. The modern fashion gives rise to male lust. So there is much lust, but little satisfaction. What does it have to do with the disease? We can draw an analogy with the fauna. If a male is weak, a female will see it and reject the male. This male cannot win a female, for there is a defensive mechanism in nature - this male suffers from prostatitis and impotency.

Nowadays, 70 percent of impotency is a natural defensive reaction to stresses caused by constant unsatisfied arousal. But this reaction is rather long-standing.

Thus, women dig a grave for men's health with their bare legs and low-cut dresses. Every nice girl going on a date with a sexy top on will make only one man happy and a dozen men on her way will suffer from her revealing looks. In this case strippers are weapons of mass destruction; they have already turned the Western civilization into the society with limited ********.

Sexologists made up the list of impotency-causing activities:

Scrutinizing internet pornography
Watching erotica and pornography on video
Staring at scantily-clad girls in the street
Reading erotic magazines
Going to striptease clubs
Translated by Julia Bulygina

here is the original article
Men become impotent because of women's low-cut dresses and bare legs - Pravda.Ru

but be warned!
it has scantily clad women decorating it!
oh those Russian women!
tsk tsk
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 02:25 pm
@the wise one phil,
re:Posiedon Not everyone agrees with what Freud says, infact I think the guy was a bit weird and Im glad that i have found that not everyone agrees with what he say.
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 02:48 pm
@the wise one phil,
yes, Freud was describing the times he lived in, and what he claims was true of that society.

Personally, I think that Jung was much more advanced, and Jungian psychology can best be described as post-sexual.

But of course, societies are different, and today's America is very Freudian. At least thats the way it looks in the media. Even Fox news is sex-obsessed. And that is supposed to be conservative!
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 02:53 pm
@the wise one phil,
It is? I never watch it I dont get it. Isn't that because sex sells?
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 03:28 pm
@the wise one phil,
Good article Poseidon and it does make some interesting points and observations. However, the topic of this thread is that 'Women are the root of all evil and sin'. It matters not the literature provided to support it, what matters is we understand what sin is, where it comes from, how it originated, and etc. etc.

In being able to say that any one thing is the root of all sin and evil, I think it's only logical for that determination to be made only after we understand what sin and evil actually are. We can take one effect and call it a cause but the misleading concept of it all is that we call the effects a cause.

It's like taking a tree and trying to find the roots and somebody saying that, 'that branch over there is the root' the other guy says, 'No, that's not the root, that one is'. So, they start cutting branches off to kill the root. Meanwhile, neither carry with them a shovel to dig and they are standing on the root with all the focus and attention being given to the tree.

Good and Evil are an effect of greater cause. We are a world nation of people that are standing on the roots without a shovel designating one effect after the other as the cause or the root of that tree. Meanwhile we are blind to seeing the very balanced nature of that tree with male and female counterparts working together in harmony to display creation or what many call the work of God.

Oh well. Although the thread topic and original post in this thread seems a little off-beat, that's my perception of it hence my reality of it. We are separated by culture, social paradigms, education, how we were raised, outside influences and so forth. What I may view as truth, another will view as a lie. We can agree to disagree and enjoy the discussions in the process and open our minds to a whole new understanding of each other.

I disagree with this idea that Women can possibly be the cause of all evil and fail to see how anyone could see the opposite. Maybe it is that I'm one of the victims that have been brainwashed by these evil women. I can say though, that without my wife, I would probably not even be here now. She has been an example of love and balance in my unbalanced life and I could not understand why anyone could insult that. If you haven't experienced bliss in a relationship with a woman then it's difficult to speak whereof you carry no responsibility.

I spoke my peace... over and out! Hey, if we all agreed life would be boring. - PEACE!
Yogi DMT
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 03:42 pm
@the wise one phil,
The way i look at it, we are the cause of all evil and sin. The root of all evil eventually originates in a person's selfish needs and desires. Nothing material can cause evil only interaction between people and interaction with ourselves. Our number one priority is to survive and reproduce because that is what we are biologically developed for due to many years of evolution. In our society today, many things can commonly understood and certain evils but we are the ones that make it that way. We can say evil stems for such things as money but that is under our control and power to let money be so desirable that it takes over and causes sin. In the end, humans are animals and we are very selfish as it turns out. If we were left to our own accords with any sort of law, we would steal and perform many selfish and evil wrongs because it would benefit ourselves. Evil could possibly stem from sex because it is in fact biologically programmed in us to be a top priority for obvious reasons. On the other hand, desires are completely controllable by ourselves and therefore are only in our heads.
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 04:02 pm
@the wise one phil,
Caroline, sex only sells when it is in demand : law of supply and demand.
If sex is what sells in your culture, then your culture is Freudian. Logically.


Good points.
You clearly live in a balanced and healthy world, and your immediate life is fulfilling.
So do I.

However, I feel compelled to look beyond my immediate surrounds, and see where the problems (sins) in wider society seem to be.

And the further I look, the more problematic things are.
In fact, it looks so subtely tragic, I feel like Winston Churchhill, during the 30's.
I feel (as I think 'wise one' does too, which is why I feel he started this thread) if society does not change its general course of action, then your model sounding world will be overrun by the barbarians, as it always has been, in every single western generation since the dawn of time.

Its difficult to make a list of exactly which factors lead to this conclusion, it would make a post about 20 pages long. I will endevour, over time.

And sadly, most people are just content with their own closed worlds, refuse to look at, or acknowledge or closely study the evidence, which has actually been staring them in the face all along. Until its too late, of course.

People just throw labels around.
The concept of science, for example, is virtually dead. The notion that science is only science in your eyes if you have performed the experiment is lost.
Its science nowadays to quote the most complex looking confabulation, specifically if there is no experiment involved that is doable by the person enquiring.

Religion, a philosophy designed to eradicate dogma, has become dogmatic,
philosophy has all but lost the spirit of the dialectic, instead reverting to the notion
that if someone says something it is mere opinion,
and acceptable philosophy is something to be found only in an officially published book that has as much latin as possible.

The law is a law unto itself, and quite frankly
this generation of the world is slowly sliding into the muck.

But, hey
you're all just going to label me a doomsayer, and revert back to the TV set.
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 04:08 pm
@the wise one phil,
No i believe it is not everyone demands to be sold sex and i think it is only a small part of society that demands there be a naked model in their daily newspaper, (i mean comic),etc as you said freud was right for his time but not ours.
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 05:14 pm
@the wise one phil,
I think contemporary America, at least the youth of America, and the western world are even more Freudian than in Freud's time.

As a kid in the seventies, it was rare in my country (South Africa) to see a bikini photo. Now even the womans magazines are filled with naked women.
And the shops are full of porn. Only on the top shelf in plastic wrapper of course.
Which is actually worse from the point of view of titilation.

I had sex before I saw a porno for the first time.
How many kids today actually can say that?
very very few I would imagine.

The psychological frustration they feel must be extreme.
The boys and girls too. How can they live up to that?
What must a girl think she has to do to get a guy?

Its time for society to clean up this act.

I am not saying that to view porn is always and necesarily bad.
Sometimes its just a non-event.

I am saying that when I did interviews on a youth forum,
the majority of people practised anal-sex!
Or at least claimed to.

I do not think anyone from my day even knew that such a thing occurred between men and women.

Its no wonder the youth of today are so confused that 80% think homosexuality is normal.
Now before that starts a tizz,
let me first ask you to do a serious study of the sexual behaviour of the nazi SS.
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 05:17 pm
@the wise one phil,
Yeh i agree with you, it's time society cleaned up it's act if for anyone for the children, im sick of it so i ignore it now. It's down to the responsibility of the individual too and ive seen so many irresponsible adults.
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 05:55 pm
@the wise one phil,
I would click thanks, but I've used all mine up on another thread!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2009 07:33 pm
Poseidon;66950 wrote:
I think contemporary America, at least the youth of America, and the western world are even more Freudian than in Freud's time.

As a kid in the seventies, it was rare in my country (South Africa) to see a bikini photo. Now even the womans magazines are filled with naked women.
And the shops are full of porn. Only on the top shelf in plastic wrapper of course.
Which is actually worse from the point of view of titilation.

I had sex before I saw a porno for the first time.
How many kids today actually can say that?
very very few I would imagine.

The psychological frustration they feel must be extreme.
The boys and girls too. How can they live up to that?
What must a girl think she has to do to get a guy?

Its time for society to clean up this act.

I am not saying that to view porn is always and necesarily bad.
Sometimes its just a non-event.

I am saying that when I did interviews on a youth forum,
the majority of people practised anal-sex!
Or at least claimed to.

I do not think anyone from my day even knew that such a thing occurred between men and women.

Its no wonder the youth of today are so confused that 80% think homosexuality is normal.
Now before that starts a tizz,
let me first ask you to do a serious study of the sexual behaviour of the nazi SS.

i really think that the nude female body is pretty much a non-issue today in the west. man see it all the time there and it cant possibly arouse the interest it once did. but you have someone coming from the east being exposed to the western daily activities and what a shocker that must be.

this is why i am not sure which is the way to go. what i am saying is, when you cover up the entire body-if an ankle appears some man will be aroused. if you show the whole body most men will become bored. what to do? it is the same with porn. if you outlaw it then the public is more interested to seek it out. if it is readily available, who cares?

these are such idiotic problems to have to still be dealing with. in all these millenia you would think humanity would have gotten past it by now!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 09:51 am
Justin;66924 wrote:
Oh well. Although the thread topic and original post in this thread seems a little off-beat, that's my perception of it hence my reality of it. We are separated by culture, social paradigms, education, how we were raised, outside influences and so forth. What I may view as truth, another will view as a lie. We can agree to disagree and enjoy the discussions in the process and open our minds to a whole new understanding of each other.

I can't see how it is possible when you constantly ban all your opponents:thats-enough:. Excuse me, but it shows only thine authoritarian character, ah so far from our friend Socrates. I understand the feelings of WO, and this is thy moral blindness and self-interest that makes thee not to understand that. Ban me, I am ready?..
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 10:08 am
Eudaimon;68018 wrote:
I can't see how it is possible when you constantly ban all your opponents:thats-enough:. Excuse me, but it shows only thine authoritarian character, ah so far from our friend Socrates. I understand the feelings of WO, and this is thy moral blindness and self-interest that makes thee not to understand that. Ban me, I am ready?..

I don't ban 'all my opponents'. I also never claimed to be Socrates or even claimed to have ever read Socrates. You are correct on the self interest though because if I didn't have a self interest in the discussions, this forum wouldn't have been developed. Considering the amount of time and money spent on this forum it's naturally going to be moderated.

Now, since you're so observant, why don't you take a look at the thread. This was not a discussion this was preaching. A member came here to preach his or her 'truth' about evil. The member did not respond to other members in a discussion, he just preached hatred towards woman and the preaching of hatred is not acceptable in this forum period. If you don't like the way this forum is managed, you are free to go wherever you please.

Banning and moderation are a part of every forum administrators job. If you don't manage a forum, pay for the licenses, hosting, updates and maintenance, then you wouldn't understand and of course, don't carry that responsibility.

So, with that said, I don't like to ban anyone but we're not going to have a bunch of trash talking hate mongers on this forum, they can join another forum. Call it whatever you'd like, this isn't the busiest Philosophy Forum on the Internet for nothing.

If you'd like to be banned, I can arrange it. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 12:57 pm
@the wise one phil,
I tell you something, if that guy had continued to spout cheap @@@@ about how women are the root of all evil and im a mummy's girl, (cheap insult that he couldnt even back up), i most certainly definately would have left and would've very been dissapointed in the admin, that's why i stay here because im not.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 01:31 pm
@the wise one phil,
And Caroline, this forum has all too few female voices. It's partly just due to the interest out there, but damned if we're going to let this forum be a place where a woman is going to be uncomfortable to set foot. Prejudice is the opposite of philosophy.
Reply Wed 10 Jun, 2009 01:37 pm
Aedes;68072 wrote:
................... but damned if we're going to let this forum be a place where a woman is going to be uncomfortable to set foot. Prejudice is the opposite of philosophy.

Yeah I know it's just great to be here as a woman and be accepted, I know you dont let it go on, he had his say he went too far. I dont think i have ever been in place with so many great guys and not one iota of prejudice, it's just great more women should join up.

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