I know Hitler had cronies that went along with his barbaric ideas, but the buck stopped with him, he is accountable subjectively for all the monstrousness deeds of his subordinates.
They were responsible to Hitler but the absolute corrupting power, lay in his hands, just as this same power lay at the desk of Harry Truman when he decided to go ahead and use the atomic bomb on Japan
Why people always want me to find excuses to forgive this depraved beast, Hitler beats me?, he lived a grand life of wealth, absolute power while humans due to his COMMANDS died in unspeakable fear, terror, horror, starvation, murder, rape, burning, slavery, medical experiments using twins, making lamp shades out of human skin,
So I bend to that type of logic I reduce his punishment, let him just experience objectively the exact same afflictions on each and every person in WW2 that suffered due to his unspeakable evil yes evil that is still the best word
I would like him to relive the exact same horrors, sorrows, separation, starvation, cold, misery he by his accountability, allowed his evil cronies to inflict on these innocent people, one by one, he must relive the life of each of his victims right down until thier death in the gas champers or worst
I really like the Hebrew scriptures eye for eye vengeance command, especially for inexcusable monsters in human flesh like him
He was not insane he was just a calculating evil man full of too much power, but he can never shrug off accountabily, I agree with Trumans statement "The Buck Stops Here"
May his soul never rest in hell