Is belief the root of all evil?

Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 08:27 am
As I see the matter, Hitler undoubtedly was a believer. He believed that life will be better if we destroy Jews. That was a mistake caused by belief which made him to live unhappy.
Aedes wrote:
I don't concern myself much with forgiving them -- forgiveness is worthless if it's not sought by the perpetrator.

We cannot forgive anyone, since these are we ourselves who make us suffer.

Aedes wrote:
Empathy is hardwired into us, that's been shown by a lot of cognitive science research. The question here is why would someone just follow orders when they're obviously so deviant from how humans instinctively value and therefore treat one another.

And oh, they knew it too, which is why Stangl (on Himmler's orders) dug up and burned all of the mass graves, razed the camp, and planted a field of lupins, so that no one would find it.

If empathy is better than brutality, then everything he did was harm to himself caused by his ignorance. Therefore all moral condemnations absolutely lose their meaning.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 09:45 am
His beliefs were an application of his anger, not a cause of it.

Moral philosophy is nothing more than a systematized statement of things we innately feel - not necessarily to the last man on earth, but by and large, and certainly as functioning communities.

When tested, humans (and animals!) have a consistent aversion to seeing or causing suffering among others, including those whom they do not know. It's well known that humans have strong inhibitions against violence, but desensitization (through exposure, experience, or a permissive 'group' culture) makes it easier. It is also known that the SS einsatzgruppen firing squads who killed 1.5 million Russian Jews developed major problems with alcoholism and suicide; this suggests that the 'perverse' act of shooting defenseless people by the millions into mass graves registered as so unconscionable to them that they couldn't reconcile the ideology with the act.

And therein is the problem. Moral theory may not have absolute foundation, but we DO have a moral instinct that exists at some level beneath any ideology.

So how is it that oligarchs can bring about a slaughter like that with so many willing participants? It's clearly only in the minority of cases was there an obsessive ideology like that of Hitler and Himmler.
Reply Fri 8 May, 2009 11:48 pm
Aedes wrote:
His beliefs were an application of his anger, not a cause of it.

But what was the cause of his anger? Was it not belief?

Aedes wrote:
When tested, humans (and animals!) have a consistent aversion to seeing or causing suffering among others, including those whom they do not know. It's well known that humans have strong inhibitions against violence, but desensitization (through exposure, experience, or a permissive 'group' culture) makes it easier. It is also known that the SS einsatzgruppen firing squads who killed 1.5 million Russian Jews developed major problems with alcoholism and suicide; this suggests that the 'perverse' act of shooting defenseless people by the millions into mass graves registered as so unconscionable to them that they couldn't reconcile the ideology with the act.

How canst thou explain, for example, the fact that in olden times (as we may see from ancient Greek literature) slaughter, when thought to be moral obligation (revenge, war), was quite usual act? These people from SS were brought up in Christian society with its values, who knows what could be if Hitler or his partisans had remained at power, say, 100 years...

Aedes wrote:
And therein is the problem. Moral theory may not have absolute foundation, but we DO have a moral instinct that exists at some level beneath any ideology.

If "moral instinct" is the foundation of morality, then am I right when say that punishment, condemnation etc. are meaningless?
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Sat 9 May, 2009 01:00 am
I know Hitler had cronies that went along with his barbaric ideas, but the buck stopped with him, he is accountable subjectively for all the monstrousness deeds of his subordinates.

They were responsible to Hitler but the absolute corrupting power, lay in his hands, just as this same power lay at the desk of Harry Truman when he decided to go ahead and use the atomic bomb on Japan

Why people always want me to find excuses to forgive this depraved beast, Hitler beats me?, he lived a grand life of wealth, absolute power while humans due to his COMMANDS died in unspeakable fear, terror, horror, starvation, murder, rape, burning, slavery, medical experiments using twins, making lamp shades out of human skin,

So I bend to that type of logic I reduce his punishment, let him just experience objectively the exact same afflictions on each and every person in WW2 that suffered due to his unspeakable evil yes evil that is still the best word

I would like him to relive the exact same horrors, sorrows, separation, starvation, cold, misery he by his accountability, allowed his evil cronies to inflict on these innocent people, one by one, he must relive the life of each of his victims right down until thier death in the gas champers or worst

I really like the Hebrew scriptures eye for eye vengeance command, especially for inexcusable monsters in human flesh like him

He was not insane he was just a calculating evil man full of too much power, but he can never shrug off accountabily, I agree with Trumans statement "The Buck Stops Here"

May his soul never rest in hell
Reply Sat 9 May, 2009 02:42 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Why people always want me to find excuses to forgive this depraved beast, Hitler beats me?, he lived a grand life of wealth, absolute power while humans due to his COMMANDS died in unspeakable fear, terror, horror, starvation, murder, rape, burning, slavery, medical experiments using twins, making lamp shades out of human skin

Answer, please, is the life in abundance, in wealth good? Is the death evil? If humans died in unspeakable fear and sorrow that was due to their own misunderstanding of good and evil, not because of Hitler. He lived a silly life that I would never prefer to live, yet not because of "god's" punishment. Wealth and power are good, you're telling me! I am recalling Buddha who was a prince and left his house because he understood all illusoriness of wealth and power; Leo Tolstoy almost commited suicide living in his abundance.

Alan McDougall wrote:
I really like the Hebrew scriptures eye for eye vengeance command, especially for inexcusable monsters in human flesh like him

He was not insane he was just a calculating evil man full of too much power, but he can never shrug off accountabily, I agree with Trumans statement "The Buck Stops Here"

May his soul never rest in hell

What is better: love or hatred? Allow me to remember Epictetus: "This man did harm onto himself trying to do that to me. And now, because of his stupidity, I should do harm to myself?!"
Hitler was "just a calculating evil man". When, I ask, became he that "evil man": when he was born, or when playing with his mates? When? and How? To understand why he did all those things is to forgive him. And that forgiveness is necessary not for him, because he paid for all and now he just does not exist, but for thee. Just because love is better than hatred.
Alan McDougall
Reply Sun 10 May, 2009 01:41 am
Eudaimon wrote:
Answer, please, is the life in abundance, in wealth good? Is the death evil? If humans died in unspeakable fear and sorrow that was due to their own misunderstanding of good and evil, not because of Hitler. He lived a silly life that I would never prefer to live, yet not because of "god's" punishment. Wealth and power are good, you're telling me! I am recalling Buddha who was a prince and left his house because he understood all illusoriness of wealth and power; Leo Tolstoy almost commited suicide living in his abundance.

What is better: love or hatred? Allow me to remember Epictetus: "This man did harm onto himself trying to do that to me. And now, because of his stupidity, I should do harm to myself?!"
Hitler was "just a calculating evil man". When, I ask, became he that "evil man": when he was born, or when playing with his mates? When? and How? To understand why he did all those things is to forgive him. And that forgiveness is necessary not for him, because he paid for all and now he just does not exist, but for thee. Just because love is better than hatred.

There was nothing silly about Hitler, I did not say anything about gods punishment, I only stated my own opinion about this monster and I will not retract one word of that statement

It is nice and easy to speak of love and forgiveness from the remoteness of space and time , speak to the few survivors of the holocuast and you will get a wake up call , to reality

Hitler was intrisnsically evil , and you would have quickly changed your opinion about him if you were a Jew living in the hell holes of his death camps

I was alive during the war, do you want me to love him?? do you think god just patted him on his behind softly, saying Oh! you have been a naughty boy, but I still love, come to daddy!! Oh!!!!!1 please all this satirical lovey dovey makes me ill.

How do you know he does not exist, his soul exists in hell and that is the heritage he brought down onto himself

"There is a sin for which there is no forgiveness, in this life or the next"

You are right love is better than hate, forgiveness frees the soul from anger, but judgment looks at the deeds even human judgment would have extinguished his life by the death sentence

If we humans could not forgive him , he would have been executed if captured by the allies in WW2

But he will or has faced his own judgment before god, what defense could he have at the seat of divine authority?
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 07:26 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
There was nothing silly about Hitler, I did not say anything about gods punishment, I only stated my own opinion about this monster and I will not retract one word of that statement

It is nice and easy to speak of love and forgiveness from the remoteness of space and time , speak to the few survivors of the holocuast and you will get a wake up call , to reality

Hitler was intrisnsically evil , and you would have quickly changed your opinion about him if you were a Jew living in the hell holes of his death camps

I was alive during the war, do you want me to love him?? do you think god just patted him on his behind softly, saying Oh! you have been a naughty boy, but I still love, come to daddy!! Oh!!!!!1 please all this satirical lovey dovey makes me ill.

How do you know he does not exist, his soul exists in hell and that is the heritage he brought down onto himself

"There is a sin for which there is no forgiveness, in this life or the next"

You are right love is better than hate, forgiveness frees the soul from anger, but judgment looks at the deeds even human judgment would have extinguished his life by the death sentence

If we humans could not forgive him , he would have been executed if captured by the allies in WW2

But he will or has faced his own judgment before god, what defense could he have at the seat of divine authority?

Whose judgement? I see, my friend, thou art religious man constantly alluding to the bible. "An eye for an eye, a tooh for a tooth...". Allow me to remeber some facts mentioned in this "book of books". When Moses decided to get away from Egypt god perfomed such "miracles" that really makes our blood curdle. I mean murder of every Egyptian firstborn. That resembles Hitler to a great extent. How about, then, their trip to the 'promised land' when they carried out massacre of aborigine tribes killing absolutely everyone? Maybe SS studied their craft on this 'textbook'?
And the most remarkable thing is that Jews NOW consider this horrible "miracles" as an evidence that god "chosen them from other folks". Why, then, to them can't be applied the same measures as they or their god used to do?
That was a lyrical digression. Let us think now what formed Hitler's anti-semitism. First of all, Jews were undoubtedly to some extent guilty of that. Anti- Semitism is present everywhere, in Russia also: it is no mere chance that during our so-called "privatisation" the heads of newborn companies became Jews: Abramovic (the owner of FC Chelsea now), Hodorkovsky, Wechselberg etc. And no wonder that for those who believes that money is good Jews seems to be the root of all evil. Add to that constantly present anti-Semitism oppression of Germany after WWI by GB and France, fear before Soviet Russia (where revolution was carried out by Jews also!) and thou wilt get extremely good soil for the Holocaust. Plus some peculiarities of Hitler's artistic character = Nazism. Whom shall god judge? Everything is natural.
But let us come back to our religion. Who has told thee that there is soul which is subject to god's punishment? We cannot know that; on the contrary, we see that:
"[45] That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
[46] For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
[47] And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
[48] Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
The absence of punishment in the nature shows us how we should live. This is only our weakness that created judgement day and ascribed to the being which is (if it exists) beyond good and evil interference in human affairs.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 07:32 am
Aedes wrote:
Hitler's utter obsession, which he wrote and screamed about from Mein Kampf up until his suicide 20 years later, was that the Jews were a plague, an infection.

Doesn't this tend to support my view? To say the Jews are a plague or an infection is to rationalise them as a lower order of being.
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 08:38 am
Bones-O! wrote:
Doesn't this tend to support my view? To say the Jews are a plague or an infection is to rationalise them as a lower order of being.

Yes exactly and it is Evil?


Eudaimon quoted

Whose judgement? I see, my friend, thou art religious man constantly alluding to the bible. "An eye for an eye, a tooh for a tooth...". Allow me to remeber some facts mentioned in this "book of books". When Moses decided to get away from Egypt god perfomed such "miracles" that really makes our blood curdle. I mean murder of every Egyptian firstborn. That resembles Hitler to a great extent. How about, then, their trip to the 'promised land' when they carried out massacre of aborigine tribes killing absolutely everyone? Maybe SS studied their craft on this 'textbook'?
And the most remarkable thing is that Jews NOW consider this horrible "miracles" as an evidence that god "chosen them from other folks". Why, then, to them can't be applied the same measures as they or their god used to do?
That was a lyrical digression. Let us think now what formed Hitler's anti-semitism. First of all, Jews were undoubtedly to some extent guilty of that. Anti- Semitism is present everywhere, in Russia also: it is no mere chance that during our so-called "privatisation" the heads of newborn companies became Jews: Abramovic (the owner of FC Chelsea now), Hodorkovsky, Wechselberg etc. And no wonder that for those who believes that money is good Jews seems to be the root of all evil. Add to that constantly present anti-Semitism oppression of Germany after WWI by GB and France, fear before Soviet Russia (where revolution was carried out by Jews also!) and thou wilt get extremely good soil for the Holocaust. Plus some peculiarities of Hitler's artistic character = Nazism. Whom shall god judge? Everything is natural.
But let us come back to our religion. Who has told thee that there is soul which is subject to god's punishment? We cannot know that; on the contrary, we see that:
"[45] That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
[46] For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
[47] And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
[48] Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
The absence of punishment in the nature shows us how we should live. This is only our weakness that created judgement day and ascribed to the being which is (if it exists) beyond good and evil interference in human affairs

I find your post distasteful to the extreme, little Jewish children murdered by the philosophy of a depraved beat is some of your logic

I do not care what god does with Hitler I said "if I had my way he would burn in hell forever", and I also said if this does not happen , I would want the law of eye for an eyes to apply to him in the afterlife

No Jew claims to be a saint, you come over as an antisemitism, Jew have had to struggle as suppressed minorities for thousands of years, there are reasons and excuses for any harm the did

There is absolutely no justification for Hitler , to say the SS used the bible is most likely true, but why just the bible, huge libraries of evil depravity lay outside of the bible to use, but any act of evil seems to be equated to scripture is the hight of speculation

If you want to get all biblical with me I can quote scripture until the end of time or until it come out of the listeners ears

Move over the philosophy of religion if you want to do that
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 09:03 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
Yes exactly and it is Evil?

My point was that, even if you allow for Hitler's view of the Jewish people as something below his superior race, his desire to actually extinguish all Jewish life cannot be explained as anything other than killing for the satisfaction of killing, i.e. total annihilation has negative pragmatic value. That, whatever morally relativistic stance you take, is immoral, yes.
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 09:22 am
Bones-O! wrote:
My point was that, even if you allow for Hitler's view of the Jewish people as something below his superior race, his desire to actually extinguish all Jewish life cannot be explained as anything other than killing for the satisfaction of killing, i.e. total annihilation has negative pragmatic value. That, whatever morally relativistic stance you take, is immoral, yes.

I agree the term immoral could be used, but the philosophy and acts perpetrated by the command of Hitler was "Evil". Why people shy away from this word when its is the best fit puzzles me
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 09:38 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall wrote:
I agree the term immoral could be used, but the philosophy and acts perpetrated by the command of Hitler was "Evil". Why people shy away from this word when its is the best fit puzzles me

Because we want to avoid rhetoric. 'Evil' is the buzzword of militant propaganda. In an emotionally detached conversation, emotionally detached language is more helpful.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 11:26 am
Bones-O! wrote:
My point was that, even if you allow for Hitler's view of the Jewish people as something below his superior race, his desire to actually extinguish all Jewish life cannot be explained as anything other than killing for the satisfaction of killing, i.e. total annihilation has negative pragmatic value. That, whatever morally relativistic stance you take, is immoral, yes.

I am sorry, I cannot understand the criterion by wich thou disciminatest moral and immoral. Explain why "killing for the satisfaction of killing" is immoral.
Alan McDougall wrote:
I find your post distasteful to the extreme, little Jewish children murdered by the philosophy of a depraved beat is some of your logic
I do not care what god does with Hitler I said "if I had my way he would burn in hell forever", and I also said if this does not happen , I would want the law of eye for an eyes to apply to him in the afterlife

Following the same logic I have shown thee that probably the same principle "an eye for an eye" was applied to Jews.

Alan McDougall wrote:
No Jew claims to be a saint, you come over as an antisemitism, Jew have had to struggle as suppressed minorities for thousands of years, there are reasons and excuses for any harm the did

Ah, how quickly thou excusest Jews! Following the same logic "there are reasons and excuses for any harm Hitler & Co did".
What I wanted to make clear is that in this particular case I see direct causes for such actions. Therefore to me they do not seem to be Evil, as nothing does.
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 11:40 am
Eudaimon wrote:
I am sorry, I cannot understand the criterion by wich thou disciminatest moral and immoral. Explain why "killing for the satisfaction of killing" is immoral.

Hmmmm.... The olde English dialogue did not alert me, but stating as inexplicable a moral criterion that might yield "Killing for the satisfaction of killing is immoral" sets my troll-sense tingling. I'm clearly losing my touch. Luckily I have my trusty troll-be-gone button. [Presses button]

---------- Post added at 12:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 PM ----------

Ahhh... that's better.
0 Replies
Yogi DMT
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 02:43 pm
Your contradictory because your posting this thread is in the assumption that you want us to believe in the idea that belief is evil, unless that is that you want us to be evil. I'm not trying to be mean or rude im just trying to make a point that not all belief is evil. Certain beliefs are evil but i don't think anger and evil stem from belief all by itself. Many other things can contribute to rage and anger, one of them being the disbelief. If you just cannot believe in anything because of your distrust in many things that might anger you too. Believing in ideas doesn't cause evil even when the beliefs and made to be empty and false.
0 Replies
Alan McDougall
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 09:02 pm
Eudaimon wrote:
I am sorry, I cannot understand the criterion by wich thou disciminatest moral and immoral. Explain why "killing for the satisfaction of killing" is immoral.

Following the same logic I have shown thee that probably the same principle "an eye for an eye" was applied to Jews.

Ah, how quickly thou excusest Jews! Following the same logic "there are reasons and excuses for any harm Hitler & Co did".
What I wanted to make clear is that in this particular case I see direct causes for such actions. Therefore to me they do not seem to be Evil, as nothing does.

Sometimes it is really difficult to debate with a lamp post
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 09:10 pm
@Alan McDougall,
I wouldn't say beliefs are the root of all evil. It is imposing them upon people which causes the evil to happen.

A person who believes consuming alcohol is evil so they convince the government to ban it's consumption can lead to evil because they are imposing their belief onto others who do not accept the same belief. Where is the evil? Well people taking advantage of the demand for illegal alcohol to sell to those who want to still consume it will be incredibly profitable. Those people who sell the alcohol will try to protect their enterprise by killing anyone who threatens it. A police officer investigating the boot legging might get bought off or murdered to maintain the secret. Or a person who can't afford to produce real alcohol makes synthetic stuff which might be poisonous if consumed.

Forcing people to act or do or NOT do something in which they want to do is what leads to evil being committed. Not beliefs themselves...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 09:15 pm
Eudaimon;62450 wrote:
What I wanted to make clear is that in this particular case I see direct causes for such actions. Therefore to me they do not seem to be Evil, as nothing does.
Care to share some of the direct causes?
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 10:59 pm
Yogi DMT wrote:
Your contradictory because your posting this thread is in the assumption that you want us to believe in the idea that belief is evil, unless that is that you want us to be evil. I'm not trying to be mean or rude im just trying to make a point that not all belief is evil. Certain beliefs are evil but i don't think anger and evil stem from belief all by itself. Many other things can contribute to rage and anger, one of them being the disbelief. If you just cannot believe in anything because of your distrust in many things that might anger you too. Believing in ideas doesn't cause evil even when the beliefs and made to be empty and false.

I did not and I do not make anyone believe that belief is evil, I want to prove that. Belief is always harmful because it operates with limited set of facts, creates theory (not hypothesis!) and tries to cover actuality thereby. Belief is hypothesis taken for reality -- that's I think a good definition. It is harmful everywhere and especially when we deal with what is really good and bad for us. I think it's clear that having wrong opinion about ourselves we shall live unhappy.
By the way, canst thou present me some examples when rage was not caused by belief in something?
Krumple wrote:
I wouldn't say beliefs are the root of all evil. It is imposing them upon people which causes the evil to happen.
Forcing people to act or do or NOT do something in which they want to do is what leads to evil being committed. Not beliefs themselves...

But is that "forcing" not a result of belief? Say, that money is good...
Aedes wrote:
Care to share some of the direct causes?

Ah, is it not enough?
Eudaimon wrote:
First of all, Jews were undoubtedly to some extent guilty of that. Anti- Semitism is present everywhere, in Russia also: it is no mere chance that during our so-called "privatisation" the heads of newborn companies became Jews: Abramovicz (the owner of FC Chelsea now), Hodorkovski, Wechselberg etc. And no wonder that for those who believe that money is good Jews seem to be the root of all evil. Add to that constantly present anti-Semitism oppression of Germany after WWI by GB and France, fear before Soviet Russia (where revolution was carried out by Jews also!) and thou wilt get extremely good soil for the Holocaust. Plus some peculiarities of Hitler's artistic character = Nazism.
Reply Mon 11 May, 2009 11:57 pm
"But is that "forcing" not a result of belief? Say, that money is good..."

Belief doesn't do the forcing. I believe all drugs should be legal, yet I am not forced to do drugs because I believe they should be available. Therefore the opposite is true. If you force someone to not do something it is not because of your belief it is because of the force.

Belief is not force however; it could influence your decision, but it doesn't do the forcing.

Money is not inherently good nor bad. It is how it is used that makes it bad or good. You can believe money is evil but it's not. If it were then you could never do anything good with it, but clearly you can, so it's obviously not evil.

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