I still have a hard time thinking in terms of 'always existed'.
I guess my brain is just wired in such a way that locks out what seems to be illogical.
However, that thinking does seem to be the only way that it could ever make sense.
BUT then again, I have to ask myself, given the complexity, given the vast amount that we do not begin to understand, and given the serenity of the Mystery as though it dares us to even try to uncover it, why does it even have to make sense?
Why does there have to be an answer? Just because something does not fit into what I would declare logical to my brain and or mind, doesn't mean that I have some sort of lordship over the logic of the universe does it.
Maybe, we just simply are not physically and mentally able to comprehend period.
So with that in mind, when we consider the origin of what we exist in, and we attempt to ask the logical questions, or at least what seem logical to us, maybe we are asking questions that have no answers because they are questions that should not be asked in the first place because of their nonsense to what is actually real.
Example: if a person undertook the task of finding out why a black cat is white. If someone took that task upon themselves, they would be foiled from the start because the reality is that the cat is not white and we could look for the answer to that forever and never come up with an answer because the cat is not white in the first place.
Is this making any ******* sense to anyone besides me? lol
---------- Post added 08-28-2009 at 07:45 PM ----------
Rich can you tell me where to find out more about this chinese philosophy again. I know you posted it here somewhere but spare me the search would ya old buddy,lol. They have certainly done amazing things with acupuncture.
---------- Post added 08-28-2009 at 08:03 PM ----------
Logic would demand that something must come from something, and that it would seem impossible that there was ever a time when nothing existed, and then that soemthing was spawned from that nothingness.
But that is the logic of the human mind confined by the ability of the human brain and consciousness.
What if the black cat really is just BLACK?
What if the universe really is just THERE?
If this is the case than trying to find answers to the question of the origin is a wild goose chase.
BUT , how does this then equate with what we would call meaning and purpose?
The biologists enjoy a life that has no moral responsibilities. Everything is merely biological function. Man has no spirit and answers to no judgment. Consciousness is a simple matter of electrodes firing in brain matter. Man is nothing more than biological function.
Thus we have their human being placed in an existence with no overall governor or overseer of creation. Everything goes! No Rules! Free for All.
And yet, we all know that this is not true don't we? Is our whole idea of morality, moral conscience, good will toward man, justice and character just a figment of our imagination?
You see, no matter which way I look at it, origin or no origin ,God or no God, creation or no creation, evolution or not, it always boils down to the same thing, the only real evidence we ever have to work with is the fact that man is more than just flesh and blood, and that there is a reason why we try the way we do. There is a spirit to man that supersedes everything else and stands in the background hounding every attempt to define it or uncover its mystery.
It drives the scientist mad. It confuses the religious into blind faith. It eludes the efforts of the greatest philosophers.
This mystery behind the consciousness of the human being that creates his identity as an individual, and its identity as a species, is always in the background of every theology, ideology and theory that man can devise because it is the essence of man, and we cannot seem to go anywhere without it no matter how hard we try.