Can Communism work?

Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2009 07:38 pm
Here's a basic theory I outlined after a decent conversation about the conjoining of communist ideals with capitalist corporation:


People work hard and don't manage to change socio-economic status.
"Survival of the fittest" laden with fallacy > "fittest" is defined in terms of capitalist enterprise.


Scouting for places in institutions carried out by government > people have opportunities even if they have no financial/network opportunity.

Ideological frameworks involved in Capitalist government manifest the structural curtailing of the individual's right to recognition based on hard-work, merit and talent. If there were put in place a system of discrimination between those who can function to the best of their ability and those whose abilities were never in use, then a system would suffer the failure of reduced socio-economic capability before it could ever become close to fulfilling the socio-economic potential.

The use of talent-scouting by independent, corporate firms in Capitalist societies means that social/financial networks and prospecting (head-hunting) are the means of gaining advantages both in and for institutions and industries. If there were state scouts whose sole job description were to find those people whose skills were not being used or noticed by employers or institutions, then perhaps Capitalist societies could find new strength and capabilities in a 'state-organization' model.

"It has often been remarked that it is not the destination but the journey that is most important in life."

Why struggle with excessive production and incur demand for non-sustainable products in a society which tends to be governed by those products/producers that are available (rather than by those that are necessary)?

"Life is like a box of chocolates: You never know what you're going to get." [Forest Gump]. If a society were to be defined by an association of 'la dolce vita' with concepts of success or pleasure, I believe that real and lasting successes (whether social, economic, artistic or entrepreneurial) could and probably would be undermined by a lack of recognition and mass appreciation. One need only understand the measures that a free press go to in assuring the dominance of political parties or branded ideologies to conceive of the pressure that a majority in society are under - in order to conform to stereo-typical definitions of success and the successful elite. This last aspect rendering the society incapable of individual economic stability, thus rendering the entire system fallible.
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 06:46 am
Fido wrote:
going to war... gets rid of the overhead, the excess population....

That would be total war then. Only 1000000 - 60000 died in Iraq.
6 billion humans replace that in a week.

Nukes anyone?
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 10:55 am
Sure; lets exchange our problem of over population with one of evolution... Sterilize anyone who can't pass a genetic test...Just like the Nazis used to do with intelligence tests...Two things are required...People need justice and they need democracy...When people have the sense that the resources of today will be there tomorrow, that justice will be there, and life willnot be threatened, then people will not breed themselves into oblivion... They throw up children as a form of self defense...They need to know, really know that is not necessary...
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 11:16 am
Why is it necessary to see communism outside of democracy..Like all political theories they have degrees of suitability and methods of implementation.Stalin's Russia was no different than dictatorship, it did not reflect the true nature of the ideology behind the concept of communism.A left wing party in America is nothing like a left wing party in Europe..The idea that we have common goal for humanity is the essence of communism.No man, women or child should suffer by the advance of another.If a communist party could be voted in or out of office the fear of its excesses would disappear. The world we see at the moment requires constant growth and greed for more than the next guy , should we , can we afford this luxury? Can this planet sustain this never ending urge to attain more and more???
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 01:27 pm
If you don't have democracy with communism you do not have communism... It can only work by consent and consensus... Without democracy your just have state capitalism...Stalin was just the autocrate of bureaucrats... There was seldom a point in his rise to power when people he later rubbed out could not have rubbed him out...But he was the master of bureaucrats...Some of them were better thinkers...Most were better human beings..Stalin reminds me of a saying: The key to job security is indespensibility...When they can't live wihtout you they will try to live with you...

There should be no communist party...There should be no parties under communism...If you have parties it means you have classes, and struggle between them...What people should agree from the beginning is that there are national interests and individual interests; but the mechanism for the expression of national interest is the national government, and that for individual interest, or local intersts, there is nothing worse than national parties making a national problem out of stuff that does not concern everyone... The ideal is individual freedom...At what point does that individual freedom become the interest of another??? When your business effects me, and I can show that fact, I have an interest...It still is not anyone else's business unless we cannot resolve our issues, but ideally, when all people are in control of their affairs, and fair in their dealing, then small problems do not become large problems, and one does not go about in defense of wealth or in fear of poverty...If you have control, you also have responsibility..If no one is denying your ability, get off you ass and make your own way...
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 01:39 pm
I'm not sure that anarchy and communism can be delivered in one lump..I am sure that democracy can change its mind and governments that conform to the high ideals of communism could be acceptable.You can experiment within democracy with anarchy and red communism the only way back is revolt.
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 01:55 pm
Communsim is not an ideal...Where it is accepted...Where it was accepted it was a practical economy with no essential difference between the economy and seelf government...Political democracy is economic communism...To impose it as an ideal guarantees suffering and eventual overthrow... There has to be room for individual differences, for individual achievement, and distinction..And yet it should be accepted that inequalities should not be passed from generation to generations, so that as much as possible people start equal, and make themselves unequal if that is their goal... Still what is considered as ideal cannot be imposed, but accepted along with the logic for it...
Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2009 02:10 pm
Fido wrote:
Communsim is not an ideal...Where it is accepted...Where it was accepted it was a practical economy with no essential difference between the economy and seelf government...Political democracy is economic communism...To impose it as an ideal guarantees suffering and eventual overthrow... There has to be room for individual differences, for individual achievement, and distinction..And yet it should be accepted that inequalities should not be passed from generation to generations, so that as much as possible people start equal, and make themselves unequal if that is their goal... Still what is considered as ideal cannot be imposed, but accepted along with the logic for it...
Thats the perception and the red ideals of communism not the ideology.Each person is recognised by his efforts great or small and the individual should be rewarded by self esteem and the joy of his position.Like all great ideologies it needs the education of its citizens and the honesty of government to perform this rigour.It could be said that any perfect state would mirror any other perfect state and communism in its purest form would be no different to anarchy or democracy..Its the perception that the individual is part of the whole and we need each other great or small.
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:09 pm
Fido wrote:
Sure; lets exchange our problem of over population with one of evolution... Sterilize anyone who can't pass a genetic test...Just like the Nazis used to do with intelligence tests...Two things are required...People need justice and they need democracy...When people have the sense that the resources of today will be there tomorrow, that justice will be there, and life willnot be threatened, then people will not breed themselves into oblivion... They throw up children as a form of self defense...They need to know, really know that is not necessary...

Eugenics didn't end with NAZIs Fido, ever hear of The American Sterlization League? After the Second World War they changed their name to Planned Parenthood. Well into the 80's people considered 'unfit' were being sterlized in the U.S. Now parents are able to abort 'unfit' children with advances in pre-natal diagnosis. I have no moral objections, I simply object to any government authority over breeding. See Plato or Huxley.

..shudder :perplexed:
Didymos Thomas
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:15 pm
Actually, the last forced sterilization in the US was performed in '78; the practice did not continue "well into the 80's", though the last eugenics law, in Oregon, was not repealed until '83.

Also, I think your history of Planned Parenthood is, well, false. From what I can tell, the organization began as the American Birth Control League and has never promoted eugenics. They changed the name in 1942, which was prior to the end of World War 2.
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:34 pm
It does not matter...We did it; but we never got serious with it... We, that is, many states were quite arbatrary and cruel with it...But in the United States, which was much larger than Germany, we may have sterilized a little over ten thousand, and they sterilized 350 thousand of their own citizens, for just about anything you can imagine from moral defects to low intelligence...They just had a very poor conception of the role of genetics in procreation...They blamed it for everything... It was not science with them, but pseudoscience...
You know, before they figured out how handy lobotomies worked a calming the troubled mind, they routinely castrated men going into insane asylums to make them easy to handle...Take that Harvey... How's your carrot work now??? Morally speaking, the coercive power of society very often retards their development...Since they have the power to do, where is the necessity to think???
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:41 pm
It was psuedoscience in the U.S. as well as Germany. 'Fitness' was determined by genealogy in most cases; i.e. perfectly sane and healthy people were sterilized because three generations back they had an uncle who was 'feedble-minded' and all this at the discretion of some judge who knew nothing of the 'science' anyway! The NAZIs actually sold sterlization to the German people in the early years by noting that it was already commosn practice in the U.S. There are propoganda films documenting this. The Anglo-Americna world started the practice, as the movement grew out of Darwin and his sucessors.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 08:48 pm
Good old social Darwinism. A good idea took way out of context by the powers that be.
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 09:49 pm
BrightNoon wrote:
It was psuedoscience in the U.S. as well as Germany. 'Fitness' was determined by genealogy in most cases; i.e. perfectly sane and healthy people were sterilized because three generations back they had an uncle who was 'feedble-minded' and all this at the discretion of some judge who knew nothing of the 'science' anyway! The NAZIs actually sold sterlization to the German people in the early years by noting that it was already commosn practice in the U.S. There are propoganda films documenting this. The Anglo-Americna world started the practice, as the movement grew out of Darwin and his sucessors.

Nietzsche made that all so much easier, beiing an eloquent evolutionist..But he did not understand it either..It was never common practice, but generally legal...That fact may have pssed notice in the Deutchland...
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 09:54 pm
Theaetetus wrote:
Good old social Darwinism. A good idea took way out of context by the powers that be.

It is power that is dangerous, because it looks for justification for what it wants to do anyway....Most people in power would sterilize the world if they thought they could get away with it ... They do not seek power because they have some respect for democracy and equality...They seek power to escape all that...If they need the brutes to protect their position they will suffer people having their nads...If it gets to be an inconvenience to people in power, you better get a cup...
Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 09:58 pm
Fido wrote:
It is power that is dangerous, because it looks for justification for what it wants to do anyway....Most people in power would sterilize the world if they thought they could get away with it ... They do not seek power because they have some respect for democracy and equality...They seek power to escape all that...If they need the brutes to protect their position they will suffer people having their nads...If it gets to be an inconvenience to people in power, you better get a cup...

????. Sorry I am confused. Why would you seek power to escape? That makes no sense.
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Reply Mon 2 Feb, 2009 10:10 pm
Democracy does not give power, but authority...If you cannot accept authority you seek power, which is an escape from the reality, the moral reality of any society, that no one can give more power than they possess... If you can't murder, you cannot give that power... it is not cumulative...Twenty people who cannot murder cannot give the power to murder...Powerful people in society take what others cannot give, and do not have to give... Some think they give their consent... What they often do is join the powerful in crime by consenting to it... But they do not justify what is done, but condemn themselves...If we are free, we are free to do Good, and that is the authority we can give in a democracy, -the authority to do good... You can escape your obligation to humanity and to your society... You do it on your own, or with the help of accomplices...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 06:33 pm
Fido wrote:
Nietzsche made that all so much easier, beiing an eloquent evolutionist..But he did not understand it either..It was never common practice, but generally legal...That fact may have pssed notice in the Deutchland...

Actually Nietzsche disagreed with Darwinian evolution, ala the will to power; i.e. while acknolwedging the progression espoused by Darwin, he thought the mechanism was based not on self-preservation but on the will to power, the tendency toward expansion, conquest, etc. Anyway, sterlization was fairly common, though not as common as sauerkraut of course. :sarcastic:
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 07:48 pm
BrightNoon wrote:
Actually Nietzsche disagreed with Darwinian evolution, ala the will to power; i.e. while acknolwedging the progression espoused by Darwin, he thought the mechanism was based not on self-preservation but on the will to power, the tendency toward expansion, conquest, etc. Anyway, sterlization was fairly common, though not as common as sauerkraut of course. :sarcastic:

I think he got evolution wrong in any event... In nature it happens through the individual; but society as we know it is only natural to us, and instead of changing our nature to adapt to new environments, we have changed our forms, of housing, technology, government, economy, etc. We have evolved quite little since then...
Reply Wed 4 Feb, 2009 07:53 pm
Fido wrote:
I think he got evolution wrong in any event... In nature it happens through the individual; but society as we know it is only natural to us, and instead of changing our nature to adapt to new environments, we have changed our forms, of housing, technology, government, economy, etc. We have evolved quite little since then...

You're right in saying that biological evolution in humans has basicaly halted, but I don't see how that equates to Nietzsche getting it wrong. In fact, his principles apply better, as they can take into account these developments as manifestations of the will to power, which is not dependent on biological life, but is evident everywhere in all phenomena: e.g. our transportation system could be viewed as one of the more recent entities to arise via this sort of evolution. Can you explain what you meant...how Nietzsche got it wrong?
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