o....k....? umm i believe capitalism has been tried, but the destroying lives part i wont argue with.
PERFECT!!! that answer is so, i dont know, just perfect it explains everything in great detail. But are you saying that changing some communist goals, making it more realistic, would make it work?
Okay; tried and failed...But primitive communism brought all peoples into the modern world intact; and it was only when technology allowed for inequalities of wealth that societies ever began to self destruct...
The loss of equality means the loss of democracy, and the loss of the democracy meant the brains of the people were disregarded in favor a few who played to their own perception of self interest...
Yet; regardless of the form of society, it still has to work for all, or it weakens itself in the face of every enemy...What does it matter if you beat everyone on your block if the next week some one the next block over wipes up the dirt with you like a rag...
Better to stand as an equal among equals than to beat your own people for the benefit of others... And that is where we are, being invaded, morally and financially bankrupt....
We are ready to be chewed up and spit out, but the situation is that the whole world is alike shot and used up...Hoooray for Capitalism...
Vasska; I am not confusing majority rule with democracy and you should not either... If you want to keep society together, and strong, everyone has to be brought along... You must seek consensus... You must look for one hundred percent agreement.... Everyone has to benefit... Look at the disaster of war this country is in now... The president did not seek consensus, and did not think he needed it, but it is not armies or presidents who go to war, but peoples, or countries, and the mind of the whole people given the time to consider, and know the facts, and communicate is better than any number of representatives...Mr. Bush would never gotten consensus for his far flung invasion on the other side of the Globe... Think of this... There is nothing fast about democracy...It is good because it is sure, that what people commit to they can be held to... It is a defensive form of social organization as it defends the rights of the powerless from the powerful, and it defends the whole people from the enemy outside...Mr. Bush was absolutly correct: Democracies do not attack their neighbors... And we attack our neighbors... What does that tell you???
Look at a simple village in let's say the 14th century; the strongest and/or smartest male was chosen as leader. He only needed the popular vote. 4 against 3; 4 wins. True; leaders need a consensus and Bush had it. He lost it afterward but he had it. Democracy is getting the most people behind you. A wrestler can take on 10 average people, but if it are a hundred he'll lose.
Democracy is based upon the minds of people at the time. In 2008 they voted bush, in 2008 they vote Obama. People change their minds constantly.
Governments should be formed by well educated and controllable people; not the people who vote for whoever is the cutest, a political party for animals (yes we've got that in The Netherlands) or someone who keeps saying the Quran is equal to Mein Kampf... Democracy is bullshit that kept us from having able and qualified leaders.
Democracy was dead in the 14th century... I can see you don't get it; but let me give you an example... Marriage... If you want to go some where with your wife, it does not matter if you are talking bed or bread store, you both have to get something out of it... If one can call all the shots it is a sure thing that the other will sooner than later not get anything out of it... And societies weaken themselves and eventually destroy themselves because some want to be kings in their castles... They are turned into slaves just like the poor people, so what is the point... Look at the Anglo Saxons... They set themselves up as lords over their own, were nearly wiped out by the vikings, and were eventually taken over completely by the normans... If they had not robbed themselves of their own vitality they might have withstood anything...
Vasska; I am not confusing majority rule with democracy and you should not either... If you want to keep society together, and strong, everyone has to be brought along... You must seek consensus... You must look for one hundred percent agreement....
Everyone has to benefit... Look at the disaster of war this country is in now... The president did not seek consensus, and did not think he needed it,
but it is not armies or presidents who go to war, but peoples, or countries, and the mind of the whole people given the time to consider, and know the facts, and communicate is better than any number of representatives...Mr. Bush would never gotten consensus for his far flung invasion on the other side of the Globe...
Think of this... There is nothing fast about democracy...It is good because it is sure, that what people commit to they can be held to... It is a defensive form of social organization as it defends the rights of the powerless from the powerful, and it defends the whole people from the enemy outside...Mr. Bush was absolutly correct: Democracies do not attack their neighbors... And we attack our neighbors... What does that tell you???
Bush is not a dictator. He is a citizen of America who was democratically elected to his position. From the people, for the people. It's half the idea of democracy. It sounds like you're saying he blew a whistle and ordered 10 million men to jump out of trenches to die pointlessly.
So far democracy has earnt its right to stand on the centre stage and boast that it is the best system, which it is! Perhaps it won't last forever, perhaps a better system might come along and men will use that instead, but in our context and our history, democracy is a hell load better than any other system you care to mention.
Capitalism is actually a philosophy. It's an idea that's embeded within the Constitution of our democratic government, which the democratic government promotes. This is much the same as Communism is an idea, a philosophy, not a form of government. It just so happens that the authority necessary for the idea to function includes authoritarian style governments. This is its main problem. It's function contradicts the most basic underlying principle of the whole idea. Equality.
Consider the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party. After the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler was freely able to ignore the "socialist" aspect of his revolution, because he knew that to wage a war, to make Germany strong again, he would need the help and progress that the Capitalists and the Junkies could offer him in the years of rebuilding. He embraced the capitalists and fed them by removing rights from the workers of Germany and instead offering them free holidays. And in turn, the capitalists made him rich. So even though it was a dictatorship, the functioning of capitalism was happily left alone and even encouraged. Capitalism and communism are just philosophies, ideas by which people integrate in their laws. You can have a democratic communist state such as China! Yes, you may turn around and say, hey wake up incubusman8 there's no way that it's not rigged over there. Fine, it may well be, I won't deny that, but the point is it's not a dictatorship.
Considering the rights and freedoms I celebrate today and previous and other existing systems, I would say democracy is the best to be had these days. As for capitalism and communism, I believe that one of the two, too easily allows corruption and evil to grip it, whilst the other is just plain born evil. Neither are good enough.
so what do you think would happen if the U.S gave a new communist country a chance?
Bush is not a dictator, nor is he a democratically elected official. Remember, he lost the popular vote.
And basically, yeah, he blew a whistle and hundreds of thousands Americans were flown half way around the world to die in a futile war.
And which democracy is that? I can't think of a single one. The US is certainly not a democracy, we only use a few democratic notions. To say that the US is democratic is reinforcing a national mythology that has no basis in fact. It's a nationalistic cheer, nothing more.
Democracy is also a philosophy. Again, the US is not a democratic nation. We are an amalgamation of various systems, socialism included. In order for the US system to function, a great deal of authority must be placed in the hands of very few people, not all of whom are elected or even appointed by elected officials. This contradicts the basic idea of equality just as much as the need for authority in communism contradicts the basic idea of equality.
I think you've oversimplified Hitler's relation to the capitalists. You do recall that he also nationalized most industry in his country. Hitler never embraced the capitalists, he just allowed them to operate when such operations benefited his regime.
You do not have any rights, and any freedoms you enjoy today exist at the pleasure of a very few number of individuals who are constantly trimming down those freedoms.
As for Communism - take note; the US has spent the past 60 years doing everything in it's power to insure that communist states fail. The US invades them, assassinates democratically elected leaders in communist nations, and employs economic policy designed to run communist states into the ground. Can communism work? None of us can say because communism has never been given a chance. Every time communism does pop up, the US calls upon a host of nationalist mythologies to justify brutality toward communist regimes.
I don't want to get personal here mate, but I think there is a little too much of your own pessimistic beliefs in this post. I mean, I can sympathise with what you're saying in terms of democracy certainly isn't plain cut - but it sounds like you've just kind of replaced fair judgement with bitterness.
The point with Hitler is that he understood their importance. He used them. Doesn't really matter if he nationalised them in relevance to the point I'm making.
In the Cold War, the Russians tried just as hard, if not harder than the US to undermine capitalism. After all, in the Communist theory, it's all about the workers of the world uniting and toppling capitalism all over the world.
As I said, Bush reacted to one of the worst terrorist attacks in human history and a heart breaking chapter of the 21st century. The mood in America wasn't apathy dude, it was not god damned apathy. I agree that it is a futile war, which should never have been declared, but I don't see this; entire US military flies to Iraq strongly against their will for utterly no purpose whatsoever.
Perhaps the US demorcary isn't the best example of democracy in the world. How about Australia then?
Democracy is better than any other form of government out there. Aristocrats, dictators, emperors, whatever - they're all megalomaniacs or idiots. You think it's good to hand complete power to these sorts of men? Rest the fate of a country upon them?
The movement for human rights and freedoms is strong. Never heard of Ghandi, King, Mandella? See in the democratic country, when these rights are challenged and taken away, we have the power to remove the government that is doing such to us. See how it works?