In my opinion, we (as Americans) have only been given the "freedoms" that we do have and the "luxuries" (that some of us have) in order to keep us happy and complacent . . . to keep us so wrapped up in ourselves, so they can be free to do what they want without the risk of rebellion. Seriously, most Americans (myself included) are too busy with the superficiality, and business of their life to notice and rise against injustices going on around them . . .most of which we would never find out about even if we looked, because they keep their secrets well. And even if we notice an injustice, we don't want to risk our comfortable little lives to do something about it. They've given us just enough to keep us in line. We've become a generally complacent nation. When's the last time you saw a
real, passionate, sincere, and angry protest or rebellion in the US? (especially compared to protests in other countries. Just check out some riots in places like Greece, or Germany, or the U.K. to see the difference!!! They'r actions even gained international recognition, which ultimately raises awareness of the situation and therefore makes progress) Sure, people still protest, but it's generally a group of unorganized, unmotivated group of picketers yelling seperate things and not really achieving anything . . . and even them . . many places require you to have a permit to protest!!!!! . . . Contradictory much? . . you must ask permission to protest!!!!!!! It's B.S.
No one's willing to suffer for a cause . . . .so they take advantage of our complacency.
The infringements of freedom that we hear about are just that . . . .they're just what we hear about. This country's govt never shows their full deck unless something drastic happens and they're forced to play their hand (like in Hiroshima, for example). They have military
and civilian technology that we don't hear about until they're ready for us to know. Many of their most advanced fighter jets (just for example) were in operation for decades before their existence was made public. If that's how they operate, what makes you think that the "public surveilance" isn't just the tip of the iceberg of what they really do, and how much they actually invade our everyday lives. If you ask me, all the recent adding of gps to every little device is just another way to keep track of us, and a large majority of "ID protection" and other seemingly helpful technology is just us opening the back door of our personal lives to them. Even our facebook status is being recorded by the govt. and I doubt it's for my protection . And the library books I check out and website I visit are being watched for "suspicious activity" . . .which means anything they're not okay with. I might even get flagged just for writing this reply.
They know exactly what they're doing, and they will snuff out any real, threatening challenges to their authority or absolute "rightness." Do you think it was a coincidence that a hotel full of anti-war, anti-Bush reporters were blown up by an "off-course", accidental strike (as they claimed it to be) by US forces in Iraq, years ago? They claimed that they missed their actual target, but the type of artillery they have
does not miss a still target, like a building. How can we rebel against that which we're oblivious of?
Or, since Im in the ranting mood . . .let's throw some other stuff out there . . . how about the so-called right to bear arms? . . . They
say you're free to have them, but not to carry them (unless you're in an open carry state) . . . and even if you carry them, they'd better be unloaded, and amunition in a seperate place . . making it useless for when you really need it. And if you happen to use it in self defence, even in your own home you may be brought up on charges like a criminal. You're not allowed to defend yourself or your honor anymore. You'll go to jail for fighting, even if you were antagonized or standing up for yourself (believe me, I know) . . of course you should try to talk an issue through first but this often solves nothing with the average person except more animosity . . . do they expect me to let people walk all over me? . . to just turn the other cheek? F that!
Or how about my "freedom of speech" . . . unless it's something that really puts the govt in a bad light. I don't mean just general trash talking, because they can't stop general griping, without tarnishing their facade, but real complaints and grievances that are a big deal (like those poor reporters would have likely told us) . . . Plus, there's really no freedom of speech or press. It's all quite controlled and censored, to either hide a truth, or keep you p.c. Did you know that you can actually be ticketed in VA Beach for using curse words publically? There's actually signs prohibiting it!!
Plus there's all the infringement, we as the people press upon each-other. The government isnt the only one not letting people exercise their "freedom" . . . we do it to each other. For example, HOAs restrict every detail about the place you live, and I got sent home from school several times for wearing a pentagram, and I protested that they should make everyone take off their crosses, if i couldn't wear the pentagram. Actually, I posted signs all over the school about the injustice of this and other actions there, and almost got suspended for it, until I mentioned that 1) there's no rule saying I cant hand out literature or post fliers in the school, and 2) that it was infringement of my freedom of religion and I was gonna contact the UCLA if I was punished for it, and for speaking out against it. Man, that was fun!
Or how about gay people not having the right to marry the person they love!!!!!! Shouldn't that be an inalienable right?
Or how about the right to do with and put whatever I want into my body?
The things they outlaw are the things they can't profit on, and when they can . . . it becomes legal! Like prostitution, or gambling, or drugs!!! The taxable and controllable forms are all legal!!!! But how dare you make $ and not give it to them!!!! THATS what's really illegal. . .
Yikes, I just realized that I have too many gripes on this subject to really want to keep going on too much longer . . . the list goes on for days!!!
Then there's d.c. residents who seem to have less rights than most, having no representation, but plenty of taxation and regulations.
Don't get me wrong, this country's definitely much more "free" than other countries, but we're also very controlled in so many ways. Like I said, they know exactly what they're doing and how to keep us under their thumb, and just happy enough to not want to rebel. They've given us something to fear losing!!!!
--add this to the examples that everyone else is and surely will tell you of, and do you still have a doubt in your mind of the superficiality of your "freedom?"
If you couldn't tell . . I've been listening to a lot of Otep, and Rage Against the Machine, and Arch Enemy recently!!!! and remember: don't steal because the govt hates competition and . . "just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you!" :poke-eye: