I will prove god's existence if....

Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 06:59 am
Re: This Thread's Title

Could you furnish some visual and tactile proof of the being itself? I'd also like to talk with this being; I have a couple of questions.

That'd be really nice.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 07:58 am
avatar6v7 wrote:
My proof is not of the kind you will like. But it is proof established by a rational logic.
NO proof is possible with rational logic alone. At least no proof that of necessity is true outside of logic.
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 08:14 am
Will somebody actually answer me as I have asked and tell me the nature and reason of proof as you see it. If nobody can justify that then how can you justify anything?
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 08:37 am
avatar6v7 wrote:
Will somebody actually answer me as I have asked and tell me the nature and reason of proof as you see it. If nobody can justify that then how can you justify anything?

Well, I've furnished a criteria for truth (see above) and am anxiously waiting. I'm dressed, got my stuff packed and ready to go. Where are we meeting? :listening: Of course I'm kidding....

... I think what the replies you've received thus far are trying to communicate, is that you can't. But that's ok, I'd like to play along here and see what you're trying to get to. So anyway, as to the second part of your question:

avatar6v7 wrote:
... and why it is proof at all.

This is a good one. Of course, I can only answer for myself, but I suspect that this would probably hold true for a great many people. If you want to prove anything to me (and I'm certainly open to new info), here's how you'd have to go about it, you have two choices, pick either one you want:

RATIONALLY[INDENT]Formulate an argument that is correct - wherein the support you use directly supports what is is you're trying to prove. If you can provide to me an argument that directly supports, and is coherent without large assumptions or postulations, I'm happy to accept that. In this area, you'll need to be wary of large "leaps of faith" and "doesn't follow"-type assertions. I'd think references to collectively-experienced common phenomena can also be fine to use.
WHY IS THIS PROOF?: Because it follows conclusions that we see in causality - insomuch as we're able to understand it. Rationally-formed arguments help us to reasonably know those "things" that can't be experienced. It relies on the mind to use, as the knowledge's foundation - what we can know to deduce - what we want to know. It's limited, to be sure, but can sometimes fill the bill.
[/INDENT]EMPIRICALLY[INDENT]What I can derive from my five senses and what can be physically demonstrated is very preferable. If I can, through one or more of my sense, ascertain that something "is", I'm more likely to believe "it is". Further, if I can "experience" this <whatever it is you want to prove>, I'm more likely to accept it.
WHY IS THIS PROOF: Because for whatever we can know, we need a reason - we need input! I know of no better way of accepting, into my mind, a concept than having a sense-based foundation for that knowledge. Experience is even better: Beyond sensory input, experience weaves the senses with perceptions of the mind. When they "paint a picture" of X, I can accept this entire experience as "proof".
[/INDENT]So there ya go. I've furnished and answered both parts of your initial post-questions. What say ye?

Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 09:21 am
I would like to ask a very serious question which I don't truly expect an answer to. What if "God" does exist but not in any way that we have thought about it up to this point? In other words, what if our desire to express a supreme being or ultimate energy is actually rooted in a sub-concious knowledge of something which we don't have the necessary understanding to express in a conscious state?

Aside from that, there would be no way to prove or disprove god. The problem with the concept of God is that it is too complete. It is beyond question. It is above reason and logic. when you create something like that, you are basically saying that you have given up trying to find truth and have decided to fabricate your own.
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 09:54 am
Icon wrote:
what if our desire to express a supreme being or ultimate energy is actually rooted in a sub-concious knowledge of something which we don't have the necessary understanding to express in a conscious state?

Would be awesome to be super man, eh ? :bigsmile:
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 09:56 am
ariciunervos wrote:
Would be awesome to be super man, eh ? :bigsmile:

Quantum theory is some pretty radical stuff. That's all I'm saying.
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 11:05 am
Ok well for a start no one is ever going to get the answer right because the answer to does god exist or not is both yes and no.
God does not exist because nothing exists. Absolutly nothing.
God is an illusion created by (and ive said it before) spliting nothing into - infinity and + infinity. God is an infinite number of - infinitys and + infinitys in an infinite tree or an infinite number of 0's and 1's yet is also the nothing beyond them.
But like I said all these 0's and 1's that make up god and the universe are an illusion! Nothing is real.
BUT if reality is an illusion then illusion is a reality.
So nothings real. But so what? If it looks real and sounds real does it really matter if it is real?
I can say that nothing exists and you are not sat in your chair reading this right now..But what good is that if it feels like you are sat down reading this.

As for proof. Nothing can be proven by humans only god.
Only god can say for 100% that something is correct.
Is it proven that 1+1 = 2 ? No!!!!!
Its just a theory thats 99.9999999% likley
You cannot prove it. You can never know anything.
I remember when I took LSD I was obsessed with wanting to know things for 100% but I could never find anything in this universe that was 100%
What a blow to my ego that wants to say yes or no to everything!!!!
Everything you believe is just a theory.
Some theorys are stronger than others but thats all.

Finally putting aside the fact that god isnt real and lets just assume god is real, what can I say to make you believe?

Well the only thing I can say is this...
Our reality is based on cause and effect.
I see god as the cause and the universe as the effect.
People who dont believe in god think the universe just magicly appeared without anything creating it. Doesn't it make more sense to believe that there was a mind behind the universe? That all things have a purpose and that this reality isnt just one big accident that might never of happened?

I feel sorry for people who dont believe in god because you will never know what is to be immortal and know of gods love for you which yes you guessed it is infinite. God loves every entity in this universe with never ending unconditional love. To not realise this is one of lifes bigest tragedys.

So there are 2 paths. One without a god, mortality and an out of control universe or one with a god, immortality and someone in the drivers seat.
If your in a car and its going somewhere doesnt it make sense that there is a driver in the seat? Or is the car as athiests believe driving on magic pixie dust? Ill let you decide which answer is more logically feasable.
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 11:24 am
Could we invent a god that satisfies our desires and could still be credible ? The lack of evidence is my problem...He cant obviously be benevolent in human terms because there is no evidence for such a god...Could he be us collectively and therefore its not necessary to show benevolence to oneself? he could be giving himself the ultimate experience of living through mortal human life...certain rules apply but they can be broken...we as individuals are part of the whole experience for god..it answers why we where created ,why he is not benevolent and why we have a limited life span,why this planet is so special out of millions,why there are so many questions,why we are troubled by time....i could go on and on..Now thats what i call attempting to prove god..at least IM trying..
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 11:42 am
Khethil wrote:
Well, I've furnished a criteria for truth (see above) and am anxiously waiting. I'm dressed, got my stuff packed and ready to go. Where are we meeting? :listening: Of course I'm kidding....

... I think what the replies you've received thus far are trying to communicate, is that you can't. But that's ok, I'd like to play along here and see what you're trying to get to. So anyway, as to the second part of your question:

This is a good one. Of course, I can only answer for myself, but I suspect that this would probably hold true for a great many people. If you want to prove anything to me (and I'm certainly open to new info), here's how you'd have to go about it, you have two choices, pick either one you want:

RATIONALLY[INDENT]Formulate an argument that is correct - wherein the support you use directly supports what is is you're trying to prove. If you can provide to me an argument that directly supports, and is coherent without large assumptions or postulations, I'm happy to accept that. In this area, you'll need to be wary of large "leaps of faith" and "doesn't follow"-type assertions. I'd think references to collectively-experienced common phenomena can also be fine to use.
WHY IS THIS PROOF?: Because it follows conclusions that we see in causality - insomuch as we're able to understand it. Rationally-formed arguments help us to reasonably know those "things" that can't be experienced. It relies on the mind to use, as the knowledge's foundation - what we can know to deduce - what we want to know. It's limited, to be sure, but can sometimes fill the bill.
[/INDENT]EMPIRICALLY[INDENT]What I can derive from my five senses and what can be physically demonstrated is very preferable. If I can, through one or more of my sense, ascertain that something "is", I'm more likely to believe "it is". Further, if I can "experience" this <whatever it is you want to prove>, I'm more likely to accept it.
WHY IS THIS PROOF: Because for whatever we can know, we need a reason - we need input! I know of no better way of accepting, into my mind, a concept than having a sense-based foundation for that knowledge. Experience is even better: Beyond sensory input, experience weaves the senses with perceptions of the mind. When they "paint a picture" of X, I can accept this entire experience as "proof".
[/INDENT]So there ya go. I've furnished and answered both parts of your initial post-questions. What say ye?


Rationally- All rational proof is based on an assumption- a hypotheses. There have beem a number of different rational arguments for the existance of God- for instance the cosmological argument is that there must be a creator- as somthing must have caused the universe. This thing would have to be beyond the unviverse and not of it or it would be part of an infintite chain of causality as opposed to a first cause. This is of course proof, evena assuming you accept it, of a first cause beyond existance. However if this being, this cause, was beyond the universe and caused the universe, it would be trancendent- that is what trancendant means- and so it would not be subject to the assumptions and restrictions that are readily available in our universe. Reason in this case leads us to a space marked 'somthing beyond reason is here.' That is the limitation of reason. It is beholden to the logic that came into being at the beggining of time, but anything before it is beyond it. It indicates its own area of limitation.
Empirically- I have beheld things with my senses that have convinced me that God exists. By your own description of empircal proof, that which we experiance with our senses is proof. I have not, for instance, seen God among all his angels, but then again you haven't had the pleasre of meeting napolean. Do you doubt his existance? Or do you accept that we can experiance confirmation of a things existance without experiancing the thing itself. If that is so you have not explained the nature of that confirmation.
Thank you for the response.
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 11:52 am
So at last we are all agreed you cant prove gods existance....
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 12:01 pm
DJMaux wrote:
Ok well for a start no one is ever going to get the answer right because the answer to does god exist or not is both yes and no.
God does not exist because nothing exists. Absolutly nothing.
God is an illusion created by (and ive said it before) spliting nothing into - infinity and + infinity. God is an infinite number of - infinitys and + infinitys in an infinite tree or an infinite number of 0's and 1's yet is also the nothing beyond them.
But like I said all these 0's and 1's that make up god and the universe are an illusion! Nothing is real.
BUT if reality is an illusion then illusion is a reality.
So nothings real. But so what? If it looks real and sounds real does it really matter if it is real?
I can say that nothing exists and you are not sat in your chair reading this right now..But what good is that if it feels like you are sat down reading this.

I would like to point out a few fallacies in this ideal.
One: If nothing is real then there would be nothing so something HAS to be real in order to create concepts of reality. You cannot create something from nothing. It does not work.
Two: Just because reality is an illusion does not make illusion a reality. That is like saying that a Rectangle is a square because a square is a rectangle. It is just malarky.
Third: Existentialism is crap and has been declared so because it is a science to Nowhere. Let's try to stay away from it in imperical conversation as it will just create dead ends which do not need to be dead ends.


As for proof. Nothing can be proven by humans only god.
Only god can say for 100% that something is correct.
Is it proven that 1+1 = 2 ? No!!!!!
Its just a theory thats 99.9999999% likley
You cannot prove it. You can never know anything.
I remember when I took LSD I was obsessed with wanting to know things for 100% but I could never find anything in this universe that was 100%
What a blow to my ego that wants to say yes or no to everything!!!!
Everything you believe is just a theory.
Some theorys are stronger than others but thats all.

None of this is proof. If god does not exist then he cannot know anything. So to exist and not exist makes no sense at all. It is either one or the other. It is certainly no offense to you but you should probably not trust the ideas that come from LSD. Rational, clear thought is turned into a lucid dreaming state on that drug and so you are likely to come out of it thinking that santa is actually the one stealing your socks from the dryer. It is accurate to say that we know nothing but have good ideas on a great many things but it is not accurate to state that God knows because you stated that God does not exist.


Finally putting aside the fact that god isnt real and lets just assume god is real, what can I say to make you believe?

Well the only thing I can say is this...
Our reality is based on cause and effect.
I see god as the cause and the universe as the effect.
People who dont believe in god think the universe just magicly appeared without anything creating it. Doesn't it make more sense to believe that there was a mind behind the universe? That all things have a purpose and that this reality isnt just one big accident that might never of happened?

First of all, wrong again. I do not believe in God but I have a pretty good understanding of MANY ways that the universe could have come to be which has nothing to do with making something out of nothing. Making a general blanket statement about everyone who doesn't believe in god is a pretty bold move. Especially when claiming that you got your ideas on an LSD trip. The universe IS cause and effect based but, if god exists, who is to say that god wasn't the effect and the universe the cause. Or even mankind the cause. You cannot. You need to open your mind a little bit more before you decie to throw conditions and facts around. Step out of your box.


I feel sorry for people who dont believe in god because you will never know what is to be immortal and know of gods love for you which yes you guessed it is infinite. God loves every entity in this universe with never ending unconditional love. To not realise this is one of lifes bigest tragedys.

So there are 2 paths. One without a god, mortality and an out of control universe or one with a god, immortality and someone in the drivers seat.
If your in a car and its going somewhere doesnt it make sense that there is a driver in the seat? Or is the car as athiests believe driving on magic pixie dust? Ill let you decide which answer is more logically feasable.

Ok, again, a completely ignorant statement.
First of all, who says I WANT to live forever? That's an awefully long time and I would get awefully bored.
Second, none of this proves anything about God that I can read in the bible which is in question here as well. We are looking for proof of god, not religious banter condemning athiests.
Third, cars are man made so man needs to drive them. There are plenty of cars which drive themselves these days. A computer controls them. Amazingly enough, the inventions that you use on a daily basis to get through your daily life were invented by athiests dedicated to the science and NOT to god. We don't need magical pixie dust, we have reason, logic, rationality. All you seem to have is blind faith in an imaginary friend and judgment for all those who don't conform. Let's evaluate christianity and see which is more feasable.

The belief that a cosmic jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master so he can remove an evil from inside of you which is present because a woman made from a rib and dirt ate a magical fruit which she got from a talking snake.... Who believes in magic now. It's kind of funny actually. You say that athiests believe in magical pixie dust but your who religion is based on magic and mysticism. Funny how most Christians condemn mahgic as evil and yet worship a man who performed magic feats daily in his life. Hypocritical much?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 12:05 pm
avatar6v7 wrote:
Rationally- All rational proof is based on an assumption- a hypotheses. There have beem a number of different rational arguments for the existance of God- for instance the cosmological argument is that there must be a creator- as somthing must have caused the universe. This thing would have to be beyond the unviverse and not of it or it would be part of an infintite chain of causality as opposed to a first cause. This is of course proof, evena assuming you accept it, of a first cause beyond existance. However if this being, this cause, was beyond the universe and caused the universe, it would be trancendent- that is what trancendant means- and so it would not be subject to the assumptions and restrictions that are readily available in our universe. Reason in this case leads us to a space marked 'somthing beyond reason is here.' That is the limitation of reason. It is beholden to the logic that came into being at the beggining of time, but anything before it is beyond it. It indicates its own area of limitation.
The chances of us being right on the first try (religion) with the creation of the universe is not only slim but darn near impossible.


Empirically- I have beheld things with my senses that have convinced me that God exists. By your own description of empircal proof, that which we experiance with our senses is proof. I have not, for instance, seen God among all his angels, but then again you haven't had the pleasre of meeting napolean. Do you doubt his existance? Or do you accept that we can experiance confirmation of a things existance without experiancing the thing itself. If that is so you have not explained the nature of that confirmation.
Thank you for the response.

I have seen things beyond my understanding but nothing which has been so amazing that it could not be rationalized without the use of magic.
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 12:06 pm
Can I have the cookie now ?
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 12:09 pm
ariciunervos wrote:
Can I have the cookie now ?
No sorry i ate them all...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 12:49 pm
Icon wrote:
The chances of us being right on the first try (religion) with the creation of the universe is not only slim but darn near impossible.

I have seen things beyond my understanding but nothing which has been so amazing that it could not be rationalized without the use of magic.

a grossly insufficent answer
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 12:53 pm
avatar6v7 wrote:
a grossly insufficent answer

I was merely following suit.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 01:25 pm
avatar6v7 wrote:
a grossly insufficent answer
And you think your answer was sufficient to prove a god? I cant imagine anyone so intelligent as you being so silly as to assume you can prove the existance of a biblical god...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 01:40 pm
avatar6v7 wrote:
Will somebody actually answer me as I have asked and tell me the nature and reason of proof as you see it. If nobody can justify that then how can you justify anything?
Hmm, you are the one offering to prove it to us. Why don't you just give your proof instead of trying to get us to guess what you're thinking?

I, for one, feel that pure logic solves nothing other than problems that exist only within pure logic. We come to know the world through our senses, and in fact we never develop abstract logic until we've gone through many years of our life being primarily sensory and concrete thinkers.

The problem with demonstrating God is that there is no standard for comparison. But if there WERE an empiric way of demonstrating God, the only way a reasonable person could accept him as such would be if 1) he were vast, larger than life; 2) he were conscious; 3) he could predict his own violations of nature and demonstrate them for us

Short of that, God is unproveable. But again, I ask you why it's so easy for me to prove to you something totally mundane, like the color of my eyes, but it's near impossible for you to prove something fundamental like the existence of God.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Nov, 2008 02:13 pm
avatar6v7 wrote:
Rationally- All rational proof is based on an assumption- a hypotheses. There have beem a number of different rational arguments for the existance of God- for instance the cosmological argument is that there must be a creator- as somthing must have caused the universe. This thing would have to be beyond the unviverse and not of it or it would be part of an infintite chain of causality as opposed to a first cause. This is of course proof, evena assuming you accept it, of a first cause beyond existance. However if this being, this cause, was beyond the universe and caused the universe, it would be trancendent- that is what trancendant means- and so it would not be subject to the assumptions and restrictions that are readily available in our universe. Reason in this case leads us to a space marked 'somthing beyond reason is here.' That is the limitation of reason. It is beholden to the logic that came into being at the beggining of time, but anything before it is beyond it. It indicates its own area of limitation.
Empirically- I have beheld things with my senses that have convinced me that God exists. By your own description of empircal proof, that which we experiance with our senses is proof. I have not, for instance, seen God among all his angels, but then again you haven't had the pleasre of meeting napolean. Do you doubt his existance? Or do you accept that we can experiance confirmation of a things existance without experiancing the thing itself. If that is so you have not explained the nature of that confirmation.
Thank you for the response.

Sigh. Nothing new here, alas.

But, let's assume for the sake of argument that your first "proof" is correct. How do you know that this transcendent entity is anything remotely resembling the God you worship?

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