GoshisDead wrote:Have you ever raised kids? Do you understand the massive effort it is just to make sure they know right from wrong enough not to go to jail when they get older?
Sure...I have children and I was one...We did not have much, but almost always worked together... My ex-wife as a child had much more, with far less of responsibility, and she tried as a child to kill her baby brother by pushing him down the stairs... Her grandchildren (and mine, both of whom are perhaps worth more than myself even as children- fight, and the oldest will smack her little sister, under 18 months... I think it is simply easier to share poverty and hardship than wealth....People do not feel the freedom to lay down the law with their children, but catching an older child wailing on another is a good excuse to wail the bejesus out of him and explaining what a family is about, which is the lesson many never get about what society is about... If they feel free to attack others to get their way they never get better, unless some one raises them right and straitens them out.. Morality is learned at the mother's knee, and my mother is just a little old lady now; but I remember when she was as big as a giant, and spikes grew out of her paw...If she got a hold of you doing something wrong, by Christ Almighty, she could throw the fear of God into your mortal soul... All this namby pamby, please don't throw that brick at your sister shet is nonsense...When morality works, the child learns his place...If it is some small community surrounded by enemies one learns their friends...You have to learn to take a beating and give one...If the greater danger is ones society, the children need to learn the parent's authority, how ever slight, or else the child will have to suffer the authority of police or law...People learn their limits, even if stangers have to teach...No pain is worse than an injury recieved in the home of ones friends, but it is a blessing....
So, again, codes and laws are essentially pointless...The ability to feel for people because you feel their pain is essential, which you learn when you suffer with them the injustice you deliver... I have an idea that many killers are only children, and never learn to relate...There ought to be other ways to force relationship for those without siblings, but the problem with morality is ultimately from those who cannot relate their pain, and their pleasure with the pain and pleasure of those around them..If their parents are stupid, they get the idea that everyone is stupid....Community is morality...Communities have authority over their own...