(I guess it has something to do with depression, here it goes):
I have a rather difficult issue that I'm not sure how to express- for the brave of you, please bear with me.
I just "came back" to life after a strong battle with depression. I think I've won. Here is the thing... I'm trying to put a name to this philosophy that plagues my mind (philosophy not in the academic, methodical sense, more of a world view- kinda like what Diogenes the cynic had)...
I'm having trouble finding similar ideas in the philosophies of REAL, past, philosophers so I would feel some sort of... connectedness to humanity.
I'll summarize the basic tenents of this world view, and I would like to ask you to prupose different philosophers and/or philosophical schools that resemble it, OK?
Cosmicism- if there was such an entity, who we refer to as God, that could see the wide picture, it wouldn't even spit in the direction of the tiny, invisible, dirt ball called earth. We are kinda lucky that such being probably doesn't exist. (Relates to the pop-view of Nihilism, to the later views of Mark Twain, Lovecraft, Michel Houllbecque and probably Richard Dawkins).
Misanthropy- Humans are the worst kind of... animals! We can't even be sure about this stupid predisposition that we are some how better than animals, like the Judeo-Xtian tradition tells us.
Cynicism- One word: Diogenes. Kinda says it all. Our culture is ridiculous plages with mindless reality shows, obsession with looks and shopping... Perhaps a nuclear holocoust isn't such a bad idea after all?...
4. Suffering- No one could summarize it better than the Buddha- all life is a continuous uneasiness.
5. General lack of meaning: if we take into account that life is meaningless, no matter our place at the food chain, it seems that life is absurd. (Camus, and probably Sartre).
And here comes the surprise, the cure:
6. (Old me): Suicide is the only sane reaction. Or Insanity. Neither one is painless, probably.
7. (New me): on the power of laughter and humor: Life sucks. It starts bad, it ends worse- the middle is kinda fucked up also. BUT: commiting suicide is just stupid. It is a message to the
Gnostic demiurge who is in charge of this damn universe that he won. Instead of being opressed by this entity (which is probably pantheistic, but its not important anyhow) you should become this demiurge by adopting his point of view: That everything is meaningless, and that the people around you, who take life so seriously are to be gently (humanly) laughed at! Laugh at life, laugh at death, laugh at coming drunk to work and getting sacked for it, laugh at everything. Because going insane because of sadness is no fun at all. Also, humans in general are paradoxical animals- a stance I adopted from Peter Zapffe.
8*. And hey, this
universe probably isn't real anyhow. So *talking to myself* quit whining and looking for the ultimate meaning of life and start loling.
Thank you for your time, hope you got the idea of what I'm actually looking. I know that this post might be a bit overwhelming because of the ammount of information and I do hope that it's not a sign of a bipolar disorder coming