Elmud;74394 wrote:I hate violence. Makes me physically ill to see it, feel it, be exposed to it in any way. It is everywhere you look. Turn your head to avoid it, its in the opposite direction as well. Its like a plague. Forces its way into the lives of us all.
In my youth I was extremely strong and with my mood disorder to add to the mix of my attributes I was involved in many violent physical encounters (fights). None of them gave me any satisfaction,all they did was traumatise me and leave me mentally disturbed for weeks on end.
We are almost force fed violence by the media and TV etc, to the extent that we distance ourselves .
Over here in South Africa we have the second highest crime rate in the world. I wrote an article about my country the Title "The walled of nation"
(I believe only Colombia has a higher rate?)
It is a case of the inmates running free and the wardens (Law abiding members of the public) locking themselves up behind high walls, electric fences, burler bars armed guards.
You don't let you kids run free over here. My grandson while riding to school has been violently pushed off his bike with the criminals swine's stealing three of his bicycles in the process . My second eldest daughter had her home broken into, just escaping being raped or murdered.The whole house cleaned out to the extent these bastards even stealing the kettle
There is not one person in South Africa who has not been directly affected/effected by crime over here, this includes all population groups not just people of European/ancestry origin like me
South Africa has 4 times as many private security guards as policemen. Security not gold, is becoming the biggest money earning machine in SA
The USA is still considered a violent society, the appalling average murder statistics for that huge country is about 25 thousand a year
America has a population of 300 million people South Africa has one approx a seventh of that at at approx 46 million people
America 25 thousand murders a year!
South Africa official 30 thousand a year
True murder rate 50 thousand a year.
The murders committed on innocent people in this what should have been beautiful land, almost equals the Iraq war.
I would not choose SA as a tourist destination if I lived overseas, and I wonder what factor crime will pay in next years world soccer cup?
Corruption in African states is unbelievably high, you should know this by the constant spam by these idiots telling you you have won a huge lotto without ever buying a ticket