Skizophrenia means spilt mind. The mind in a Skizophrenic has split from reality. One theroy on the cause of the symptoms of skizophrenia is that there is too much of a certain neurochemical in the brain and it causes the brain to misfire creating hallucinations delusions etc.
Being skizophrenic is somthing like this. Imagine being in a dream
knowing that it is a dream. Being perfecly aware that it is a dream you do what you want to in the dream. You react to the dream in the way that you see fit, which often times is not like you would behave when awake. Then somehow a "real person", not a dream image of a real person, but an actual "real person" comes into the dream and tells you that you are no longer dreaming, even though you still
know you are. Because you still
know you are in a dream you pay that person no mind because you
know you are dreaming and they obiously are part of the dream. I mean its
obviously a dream. Dead people arent alive in real life, angels dont walk around, this is a dream not reality. You're just another nut ball in my dream telling me that its not a dream... huh...
This is the logical conclusion one would make right.
I have skizoaffective disorder. The result of skizophrena (split mind) is a flatend affect. The means that the person has very little reaction to outside stimuli there is only internal reaction to internal stimuli. The mind is split from the happenings of the present. And the result of this is unpredictabe behavior unreadable expressions and maladaptiveness in general. In skizoaffective (split affect) only the mood is split from reality but not the mind so the mood changes based on the internal stimuli (e.g. hallucinations, delusions, etc.) So the skizoaffective reacts externaly to internal stimuli.
In bipolar (manic depressive) The person has external reactions to external stimuli like a normal person. But because of the overabundance of or lack of a certain neurochemical in the brain the person over or under reacts to the various stimuli. When they are manic they are happy (exuberant) over small occurances and when depressive they are destroyed over insignificant events.
With bipolar just think of how you react to your car getting stolen. And then replace the fact that your car got stolen with the fact that you've misplaced your keys. Or imagine the feeling of hiting loto and relace hiting loto with finding your keys.
With bipolar the moods come and go in cycles sometimes you are privied to loto type reactions (e.g your car actualy got stolen, but you still feel like you just hit loto). And other times you are prone to the car theft reaction (e.g. even though you actualy just hit loto you still feel like your car just got stolen). And the bad thing is that most of the time you dont win loto or get your car stolen. Most of the time you've just lost your keys. And because you lost (or for that mater found) your keys, you're then stuck in loto, or grand theft victm mode for weeks. All of the moods depend on how much of a certain neurochemical is in your system at a given time.
I have skizoaffective (bi polar type) this means that i have a bi polar affect and a skizophrenic mind (e.g. hallucinations, delusions etc.). I react manic depressivly to my skizophrenic delusions and halucinations. Now with skizoaffective my halucinations arent as bad and neither are my moods. But the moods and delusions get together and can make things difficult. I get the best of both the bipolar world and the skizophrenic world. Its lovely sometimes. HAHAHA
The treatment for these disorders usualy consists of med therapy, cognitive therapy, and behavioral therapy and a slew of other depending upon the patients needs. The medications work to balance the neurochemical system decresing symptioms. The cognitive therapy works to help the patient realize the descrepancys in thought and then works to help the patient replace these unhealty abnormal thoughts with more effective ones. And behavioral therapy works to counter the behaviors aquired in the annals of the illness and replace them with more adaptive ones.
The hardest thing about treating skizophrenia in particular is the fact that most skizophrenic patients, by the time they get help, are very immersed in their delusional world. Because of the fact that there mind is split from reality it is difficult to pull them out of their malady. To them we are as much a delusion as their delusions are and in their delusions they tend to be unsure weather their delusions are delusions or not. Because of this they are unsure of us because they cant differentiate delusion from delusion, reality from reality, or any combonation of that in between. So developing trust is very key in any form of treatment for a skizophrenic.
I am lucky that I am skizoaffective. Because my mind is still here on earth for the most part. In skizoaffective the delusions and hallucinations dont convince you of there reality as much as they make you angry, scared, afraid or confused. They do insist upon their existence but they are more of a trouble emotionaly then otherwise.
In general i have found that given my knowledge of reality these cognitive and perceptual distorions can be very enlightening. Not always fun but useful in the end. The biggest benefit is the fact that now i can explain these things first hand to people like you all.