TickTockMan;87486 wrote: So apparently the physical body has learned to create consciousness as well? At this point I'm afraid I'm going to need to know which came first? The physical body or the consciousness, since they are, as you say, one and the same. Or did they just happen simultaneously?
In my own thought experiment, using ideas that I collected from many places including my own observations and experiences, I imagined consciousness, which is most ethereal, turning in on itself (as a baby might look in a womb), and slowing spiraling into itself more and more. As it spirals in, it becomes more dense, more compress, more energetic, and ultimately more physical.
You can start with some very long string and start it spiraling into itself. Denser and denser and denser. Soon, you hav something very hard, like a baseball, even though it started off very light and flexible. So, spiraling motion is the key. Very similar to the Taiji symbol which I often use to demonstrate spiraling as the fundamental motion of nature.
Of course, you can go in both directions. Mass == > Energy. Bohm's quantum force field might be very analogous to consciousness, since at this time it is just an idea and cannot be measured.
TickTockMan;87486 wrote: How can we be sure that we're not projecting rather than observing? Kind of like when people project, or assign, human emotions and motivations to animals?
Projection is exactly the process. We project onto others what is ourselves. If we listen to the way we criticize others, we learn a lot about ourselves. Observe some of the members on the forum. Observe how they criticize others. Does it not sound a lot like them. Projection is a beautiful mirror that nature provides to learn about who we are.
TickTockMan;87486 wrote: Who, or what, is providing these clues? And why just clues? Is some force beyond our comprehension just playing games with us?
I think this is a very interesting and astute observation. I actually think that all of life may be about playing games with each other, beginning when we play peek-a-boo when we are babies, then hide-and-seek when we are children, and then maybe science or philosophical exploration when we are adults. A very interesting game.
---------- Post added 09-01-2009 at 09:20 PM ----------
jeeprs;87513 wrote:Here is the source of that story. It is actually highly relevant to this thread. It is all about metaphysical disputes:
Yes. Thanks for the link. I like the story. It is about learning to see things, to share things, and understand that we are all telling our stories from a different perspective. Life can be fun.
---------- Post added 09-01-2009 at 09:23 PM ----------
Kielicious;87534 wrote:and why would ONLY a brain be what I am talking about.....
if you lose an arm can you still be a conscious observer? Yes.
if you lose everthing but your head can you still function as a 'normal' conscious observer? No.
Yes. If you remove the receiver from the TV, the TV goes blank. But this does not mean that the picture is created in the receiver in the TV.
By observing our own inventions we can, I think, better understand how consciousness interacts with the mind and the physical brain.