My link to matter is of the human realm, thats all I was trying to show.
Information is information...Who say the universe dies?
Is an explosion of say a star, not a while-hole to our world? Information, energy is matter to us. We know these types to well, we see them differently. To us their food, water, etc.
What are you really eating/drinking... Energy in so many forms, and we KNOW them by site, by smell by name. We are the matter black-holes!
To me, everything that was, everything that is, everything that will be, has an anchor. A ground state, a Universal-footprint if you would.
Is you mouth really much different that a black-hole? Can light escape when you close your mouth?
Is speech not energy waves? Could it possible be this simple?
Could every "Matter" element have it's center of informational mass?
Again we are of Matter by Matter, so lets speak in the matter realm.
Take our center of absolute(as we know it) mass, yes...our brain.
At the center of this informational mass, there is a pleasure gland (brilliant idea btw!)
Let just pretend for a moment that this gland was indeed our white-hole(The Axiom), and under that probably so, is black-hole counter balance (The Null-Axiom).
For every force there is a equal and counter force. The Ying-Yang principle exposed to you for the very first time?
Thank the creators of thy heavens who bring us life.
In all thing begin equal, "amen" my "God", my soul, my father...the creators...the singularities....
Thank you for allowing me to take you on my journey my friends!!!
paulhanke wrote:... if you equate information with matter, then certainly - by the law of conservation of matter there is a law of conservation of information ... however, Information Theory does not equate information with matter ... Information Theory defines information as the minimum number of bits required to communicate/describe ... the more regular and repetitive a structure, the fewer number bits needed to communicate/describe that structure ... under this definition, the information in the universe is proportional to the entropy of the universe ... since the universe is a closed system, by the third law of thermodynamics its entropy is always increasing - thus the information in the universe is also always increasing ... the heat death of the universe predicted by the third law of thermodynamics is a state of maximum information ...