@de budding,
Well to answer that it's best to ask a question first
Q. If nature created everything, what created nature?
And that very question has also led man to the concept of "god"
But you asked,
How can god not exist?
To answer that you must first understand how god dose exist, and the only way god exist's is in are mind's defined by are perception of are self and the existence around us.
Hence for god to not exist, man it's self must not exist, therefore man could not perceive "god" or thy work.
So that's one way how "god" could not exist.( just to exist in another defined form)
I call it "The Chicken And The Egg Complex" Hence one must exist in one state for the other to exist in it's present state.
Which came first the chicken or the egg? Well the chicken logicaly come's first due to the fact that it lay's egg's, but this logicaly point's to the fact that chicken's didnt allway's lay egg's. But if the chicken didnt lay egg's would it still be a chicken?
Hence a chicken exist's as a chicken due to the fact it lay's egg's or due to the fact man has defined it within one's mind as a chicken. Hence a God only exist as a God due to the fact that it has made an egg or due to the fact that it's egg or it's self has defined it as God.(the reason why could be related to the siGnature that I use)
So If there is no egg to define or make the chicken exist in the state it exist presently, the chicken would not exist as a chicken.
(Hope it all wasnt to hard to follow, parable reation's are tricky Complex)
Here are some other question's related to the same thing:rolleyes:
Q. If god made man what made god?
Q. If god has allway's existed why has god allway's existed?