1.---1.All thought's that I can think.
-----2.All thought's that I cannot think.
2.---1.All that I can see.
-----2.All that I cannot see.
3.---1.All thing's that I can feel.
-----2.All thing's that I cannot feel.
4.---1.All thing's that I can smell.
-----2.All thing's that I cannot smell.
5.---1.All thing' that I can hear.
-----2.All thing's that I cannot hear.
6.---1.All thing's that I can tase.
-----2.All thing's that I cannot taste.
7.---1.All that is my self.
-----2.All that is not my self.
For this is a short list of what I have defined my "god" as, which are the main 7 section's of one's self.(presented as a duality)
8.---1.All thing's and thought's I can define with my mind.
-----2.All thing's and thought's I cannot define with my mind.
So for my "god" can, and cannot be defined, for that is the duality of my my "god's" existence...for I need no book to show me what my "god" is and is not, for one only need's to look at one's self and the self around one's self, for that is the true book that has defined what my "god" is and what my "god" is not.
The last duality...that bind's alll other duality's that portray what my "god" is and what my "god" is not.
9.---1.All that is nothingness.
-----2.All that is not nothingness.
For man is it's consciousness.
For what is not man is it's sub-consciousness.
For this is what I have defined and not defined my "god" as.
A "god" that has not been made know to me by a book made by the hand's of man.
But, from the very fact of my existence, has such been made.