From a sheet I've picked up detailing some aspects of the History course, it seems to cover The Tudor State; 1485-1603, Votes for Women; c.1880-1918, Russia in Revolution, Civil Rights in the USA, and The Origins and Early Development or the Cold War; 1945-62.
That all sounds interesting, and appeals to me, and that's the biggest problem I face; the fact that most of the subjects appeal to me equally, and I am achieving As, Bs and Distinctions in all of my subjects currently, so there are no obvious ones to drop.
I think I'm reluctant to drop science for a few reasons. Firstly, I enjoy it. It's one of those subjects which highly promotes logical and numeric thinking, as well as attempting to understand and record the way in which the universe and matter functions. I realise it's not all fun and games, and there is a lot of maths involved, but I don't want to head completely into the 'artsy' side of things, and I recall someone stating earlier on in the thread that it is easier to go from something scientific to something involved in arts, so taking physics seems a sensible option seeing as I enjoy it.
Secondly, there seems to be a lack of people willing to take science onto a higher level, and even less to pursue a career in science. I don't think I am going to be pursuing a career in science, but I would feel strangely guilty in not taking a science. This could be because the various 'SCIENCE & MATHS' campaigns have got to me, but I think it is more likely caused by the fact that I have always stressed the requirement of science and its importance in this world in any philosophical debate, and I feel like a hypocrite abandoning it.
Thirdly, I simply want to learn more on the scientific side of things. I have also considered both Chemistry and Biology, however Chemistry doesn't appeal to me as much as the other two, and Biology, despite appealing massively to me, seems to consist mainly of simply learning the names and functions of lots of stuff, for want of a better phrase. Physics, however, appeals to me both because of the way it teaches us to regard matter and energy within the universe, and also because it seems to be a good subject which combines science with alot of logical numeric thinking.
Also, as a point to everyone, something quite strange has occured, and I now have some more days to make my decision. There has been an outbreak of Viral Gastroenteritis (a.k.a. Norovirus), which has caused many staff and student absences. Luckily I remain disease-free, and, like many others, I welcome the free time to get up to date with any tedious peices of work that linger somewhere under the pile sliced tree corpses on my desk. Unfortunately, this also means that I cannot talk to any teachers until the day I actually have to hand the application form in on Tuesday. So yeah, all opinions and suggestions are still welcome.