Thu 28 Nov, 2002 07:50 am
Is this chutzpah or what?
Republican Mitt Romney, the new Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has asked President Bush ( also a Republican ) for financial support for the 2004 Democratic presidential convention, to be held in Boston.
I find it ironic, that two powerful Republicans will be trying to raise money to elect a possible democratic replacement for President Bush!
New Haven- On the other hand, how would it have looked if Bush refuses? (I had not read the story. Is Bush allocating any money?)
I don't know whether Bush will or not. Just know that Romney will be asking him. He thinks the drain on the State for the convention will be too great. Seems, that the pols should have thought of that in the first place, considering the expense associated with the Big Dig.
Hmmmmmm .... The Dem Convention in Boston .... think maybe that might logically qualify for Government Assistance ... Under FEMA's Disaster Aid provision.
Does it surprise anyone that a politician is asking for money for anything?
Even if they disagree with what they are asking for money for,if it will get them votes they want money for it.