Ha ! ! !
Booman, that is exactly what immediately occurred to me on September 11th--they put the man in charge in safe-keeping, and the empty suit out front to show the flag.
Hmm.....Chief of Staff, Setana....nice ring to it. :wink:
Will i git any personal nukes?
You don't get the nukes Setanta, you get the Politics - oooooh!
Of course, you may need a couple of nukes for the desk drawer, car and many a little concealed nuke!
Oh geeze, should i just bend over, or will someone be bringing some vasoline?
Please be PC, K-Y jelly! But we have to hide the nukes somewhere!
Nukes too good for them....You'll be armed with Michael Bolton CD's
Yer a very bad man, Boss . . . heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee . . .
Booman, you are the meanest - this may lower you to the level of Merv Griffin.
You guys got it all wrong! A hot cup of coffee from McDonalds will do the trick.
1. Pie eating contest
2. Mud wrestling best two out of three.
3. Ability to bring partner to orgasm. Most times wins.
4. Karaoke sing off.
I'll have more.
3. Everytime, anyways, thats what I'm told!
On my last post.....The Devil just took hold of my fingers and...well you know the rest. Honest.
BillW, Seems you have also bought into that old wive's 'tail' about orgasms. I wonder who's wife wins the best acting award?
As long as it feel good - well, it works c.i., I ain't complaining and not gonna do no investe.gatin' - ha!
See, But I still can't get the quote thing to work right.
It looks fine. What fancy-dancy thing were you trying to achieve?
ehBeth, if you notice - my reply is on a different post as to my quote. I couldn't get the reply on the same post with the quote because I couldn't get it onto it to space or even a paste. It may just be the tablet I am working with.