philosopherqueen wrote:whats so wrong with lesbian relationships???
I NEVER said anything was wrong with it. But as I described in previous posts someone like Madonna is not the same role model as Reese. I found you argument stating that Reese and Madonna are equal role models lacking, and provided substitutes (Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johanson) that do not have all the disadvantages of Madonna. Including all point I described before.
When you say, and i quote;
Quote:Sexiual orientation can never be moraly wrong according to me, I'm not pro-gay in any way but that doesn't mean it's moraly wrong..
You only state that it is morally wrong, BUT you don't really approve of it (Pro-gay). Given this, and only this, argument you are playing the agnostic here. You don't really believe it, but there is chance that it is there.
In this reply you back it up by saying you don't mind it, but don't see the point of it like they do. I'm okay with that, and was only replying to the information you gave in the previous post. But not giving this information at first makes me feel like you are playing the agnostic here; and we all dislike that breed of people.
As far as relations go; humans and animals alike both have the urge to reproduce in order to survive. We don't have eternal life, but we can plant our seed (childeren) on the planet to live on our legacy and ensure our race.
This still happens in the animal kingdom, not so more in the human kingdom.
As humans broke away from the animal kingdom and independently started to create a better concept of the world, we started to perceive things differently. Sex became something of
lust and need instead of
need alone.
This is why many relationships revolve around sex. The laws of attraction also play their role. You might want to count all the times you had sex, or anything that involves sexuality and put that against how many kids you have brought to the world. The answer we all know for ourself.
You now raise the ethical question "should gay people be allowed to have sex" this one is quite dangerous because you are putting gay people on the bottom of the list by denying them their human rights of free sexuality. I'm not saying you do this, but for the example this is the perfect interpretation.
The fact that between a man and a woman there is the (possibility) of reproducing should not matter because in the pure lust of it their is no reproducing by this group eith
Just a quick jump towards your "come out of the closet" argument; When the 3 hosts of the British Tv Program Top-Gear went to America they had a contest; We each get $1000 buy a car and do a roadtrip across America. At one time they painted each others cars and one of them painted "HOMO" "PROUD TO BE GAY" and "NASCAR SUCKS" on a car, in pink for the record, and they went on. They raced trough the more uneducated parts of America and stopped to tank at a local gas station. The woman there went crazy. She called up "The Boys" and within 5 minutes there were about 30 people who started to trow rocks at them, and hitting their cars. They were even chased for a while, even though he explained he was married, straight and it was a joke.
This might seem a bit of a harsh argument, but many parts of America, as well other countries (America however always has the whole anti-gay debate kept alive for years) have not accepted homosexuality. Just a few months ago to Iranian people were hanged like criminals for being gay.
I'd love to see being gay getting accepted, but really it is hard and often people get total rejection from society for coming out of the closet. This still is everywhere, and real sad. It makes me sad to see people hating gay people because they prefer males over woman.
Someone who has a lot of influence should speak out their opinion. However we live in a society that loves role models and act accordingly to them. The have great responsibility and should use that for good. Instead of promoting their political agenda. The American Elections are a great example; how many stars does McCain, Obama and Clinton have? I could count many if we include the local American celebrity's as well the worldwide known ones.
Instead of saying they want that America starts again with investing in the country they say "Vote Clinton", "Vote Obama" and all will go well. This should not be the way to go for someone with so much responsibility.
Some stars can act accordingly and are smart as hell and don't just say anything stupid. The Gossip Magazine one's however do say many stupid things, and unfortunately those are the one's we read and hear about (unwillingly) because of the mass media.