boagie wrote:Holiday,
Chaos, just feeling my way around here, could be defined by the lack of order or arrangement, though apparently there is some order to be found in chaos. Causality it seems to me a term that gets tossed out there all the time, yet, no one seems to know its nature, perhaps it infers the gathering of the elements, in which case, it would look like chaos. The time arrow, time does seem to go in one direction, until you realize, there is no direction.
Could causality be defined as a level of randomness vs. perfect order, pattern without anomalies. Both randomness and 'perfect order' are constants but asymptotes that would not make sense to perfectly exist in this universe.
And as I see from what you tell me 'chaos' would be at the verge of complete randomness.
Universe can't exist without anomalies but there is no randomness. Would there be an evidence of a correlation between matter's relative size to us at the 'macro' level and causality. Being that at a smaller level, like VERY small, matter becomes random. And at a larger scale matter becomes uniform. Or perhaps vice versa. I don't really feel informed enough on physics to say.
Then causality would be an illusion because it would not make sense for there to be a concrete force advocating a fundamental. It has to be created by something, like time acting in a certain way. Perhaps by how it flows from instance to instance.
And you could go further by saying, ok, time is a force (space time, mingles with gravity in a sense); so causality in the universe is advocated by a actual forces of nature. In a human sense, causality is the reasoning behind an action as to what effect it will have afterwards. The corresponding 'force' could be morality? so long as emotion isn't the majority of what is governing logic. And instead of larger matter vs. smaller matter I could say bigger choices vs. smaller choices, in the sense of importance; governed by emotion.
I am basing this on a scale of assumptions that I can't even say are true or not. And if the graph was attached properly then I believe it would only make sense at a 3D scale; and I have yet to figure out the x axis, or z or whatever it may be.
For everybody reading this plz correct me, I am lost but compelled to understand.:confused::confused::confused: