Doorsopen wrote:Creation is not an historical event. It is a continually occuring event. Questions, for example, as to the structure, or intelligent design responsible for the origin of the behaviour of hydrogen and oxygen molecules is relevant, but would be better stated as: Why do hydrogen and oxygen molecules continue to behave in such a consistent way? I submit that this 'intelligence' or 'consciousness' is inherent in the molecules themselves. The molecule demonstrates consistent, unified behaviour because it is being what it is. In esoteric terms the molecule's behaviour is unified with its source and therefore behaves in harmony with that source. This is true consciousness, as opposed to cognition. This consciousness prevails throughout our experience of existence, and understanding these relationships is the role of science.
1."Creation is not an historical event. It is a continually occuring event."
Yet the same law's of physics that dictate there behavior continually stay the same.
2."Why do hydrogen and oxygen molecules continue to behave in such a consistent way?"
The reason why is the law's of physic's
3."I submit that this 'intelligence' or 'consciousness' is inherent in the molecules themselves."
Yet the observed movements and acts are seen as intelligence, due to intelligent people's perception of there observation of there movement's and action's, yet what people are observing is the law's of physic's that dictate's there movements and actions, and therefore it seem's like they have intelligence, yet that observed intelligence is given to them by the laws of physics that govern them, and dictate how they must function with one another under any condistion.
4."The molecule demonstrates consistent, unified behaviour because it is being what it is."
And it is only a molecule. For that is what it is, the reason why it dose what it dose, it dictated by the law's of physics that govern it.
Yet people must use intelligence and knowlage to understand these complex yet simplistic law's that dictate's how thing's must function under any condistion.
5."This consciousness prevails throughout our experience of existence, and understanding these relationships is the role of science."
Yet, it is left to "Intelect", known as "The Understanding Of A High Knowlage", and therefore translate's to a " Higher Science".
Yet, it is a fact, that such simplistic form's of molecule's could not create such complex laws of physics that dictate how they function and act under any condistion.
For science has proven that they cannot do such tasks, they lack the physical form for intelectual thought, and they lack the power to create such a set of rule's and law's that dicitates how they fucntion and act under an condistion.
So this lead's to the fact that there must have been some form of entity that used intelligence or intelect in the design of such a set of absolute law's, and if there was intelligence or intelect in the creation of such, therefore such an entity must have been conscious of such thought's and actions.