If a man seeks his own wisdom for what would that be? To gratify himself? For some, seeking truth is a matter of preference to honor themselves, not God. For the Truth is and can not be changed. The Truth does not fit man. Man must come to the realization of the Truth by the source of the Truth revealing the Truth of it to man. Is there matter of facts? Yes; all the result of the Truth. Man can search high and low for facts and not know the reason. Never knowing, or the knowledge of, the source thereof, or the Truth of the Reason.
Truly if there is a Living God and He has Created, then surly He speaks:
His Word is Truth for if He speaks it, it will be. The Almighty cannot lie for if He speaks it. It will be. Through His Word is that which all may know Him and all of creation obeys Him. For the Truth is the Truth no matter what the Truth is. Whether all mankind is aware of it, or not. It is still the Truth.
The Truth always was, always is, and always will be. It always was true that parting of the sea would happen, even before time. It always is true that parting of the sea happened, and it always will be true, forever. If one had foreknowledge of the Truth about the parting of the sea, before the parting of the sea , one could "prophesy", or repeat the Truth about parting of the sea . Thus Moses knowing the Truth via the revelation of the Truth to Moses that the sea was going to part. He was able to demonstrate to the Israelites the Truth was with him when he raised his staff so that the sea would part. Just because something is manifest in matter doesn't mean it was not true before it became apparent to the world, via a witnessable event in matter. The world can be like a family man. He is the last one to know, and doesn't believe it, until he sees it himself.
The Truth need not time, to exist. For it always was true that time would exist. The Truth need not energy, to exist. The Truth need not space, to exist. The Truth need not matter, to exist. All four need the Truth in order to exist. But the souls which dwell in the earth needs these things in order to exist, and to come to know the Truth. Though all things of the earth respond to the Truth accordingly, the souls that dwell in the earth, do not. For it is only to the souls of mankind, that it is given to choose not to obey the Word of God.
All things that are, are of the Truth. For if they are, then they are true. One cannot hold all the things that are true, in one's mind. All the collective minds of mankind cannot know all that is true. But of Truth, all things are.
If you think that you would create truth by doing something so that it's true. Think again, for it always was true that you would do that thing. It always was true that you would think to do that thing. it always was true that you would read this, it always was true that you were born into the world to think and do that thing. And you had no control over that. Needless to say it goes farther back then that. The Truth is, and there are a series of events, or responses to execute that which is true, that are all also true.
No matter how you think or believe living things came about in the earth, it is true, that living things came about in the earth. Thus living things or, animated matter, if you prefer, are the result of Truth.
Thus, Truth prevails as above all. Or greater then all. For the Truth cannot be created. The Truth is the source of all we can perceive or understand. Other then lies. But it is true that a lie is a lie, and that the lie was told.
If it were to be true, that there is no truth , then that would be the truth, thus Truth exists, and it is false that Truth does not exist. That which would teach you otherwise, knows this.
If you want to say that there is no Truth in the world, that is conceivably possible, but the Truth does not need the world to know the Truth, in order for the Truth to exist. Just because something is perceived as true in the world does not necessarily make it true. Or if the world insists that something is not true, does not necessarily make it not true. In the world, lies are the order of the day. As in, "what can I say to get them to believe me", not, "this is the truth, whether you like it or not".
The Truth cannot be a lie. Thus the Truth is perfect and incorruptible. Though some try to portray it otherwise. It stands forever, no one can change it. Ether you embrace it, turn from it, or lie about it. If you embrace it, you go with it. If you do not embrace it, what you are, remains where it is. If you are seeking The Truth, you are seeking a Living God. For the Truth is God, not all of God, but God none the less. Who knows and repeats the Truth, is another issue. Don't trust me, trust The Truth, The Word of God.
It is the Will, Love, Truth, Wisdom, Mercy of the Living God to reveal Himself in Jesus the Christ, His only begotten Son, to offer mercy to all man in the flesh that the man in the flesh may be resurrected in the flesh for it is mans purpose to live in the flesh with and in God's presents. The resurrection of Christ is the flesh of the son of man in the presents and at the Right Hand of God. Intrusted by God and ordained by God in His Loving Mercy to those condemned to death by virtue of the will of the flesh.