@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:First off, even if this must be a compromise, it will not be an arbitrary compromise, and there must be arguments from each side.
You must have a reason that we should extend a right to the fetus to be born, or I have no reason to compromise, since otherwise it would seem you are holding a nonsensical opinion.
But the arguments have an arbirary basis, the moral atmosphere of the times during which they are concieved. Why should anyone have rights in the matter? Because of the sentiment of the current western mindset? That it has empirically been preferable to not having rights is true, and this is our basis for it. Provide a reason that anyone should have guaranteed to them a set of rights, otherwise you are acting as a hypocrite. I would be quite impressed if you can show me a totally objective truth and make a case from that with no assumptions that we should all have a set of guaranteed rights.
Your reason to compromise is going to have to be entirely political in the end, this is the nature of any social issue people get up in arms about.
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
Compromise should never be made for expediency alone.
Maybe not, but as long as a decision is based upon a compromise it cannot be final. The problem is that the arguments are so subjective, depending on shifitng moral stances. Whether it is made with any overt desire for celerity doesn't matter, it is still by the subjective whims of the public that the decision is made.
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
Never, unless the stipulations were established by contract before copulation, should this be the case. A woman should have absolute control over her body, and nothing outside of free contractual agreement (especially ejaculation), should grant another individual control over it.
A prenatal agreement?

I am all for that. Maybe the male should be exonerated of any responsibility if the woman chooses to keep the baby without his agreement? After all, genetics favors the woman, as Aedes pointed out. Why give such responsibility to the male when he has such little say?
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
Why genetic identity?
Why not?
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
I would not complain about adoption.
Good, I would say that allowing somthing to live with no consequences except of inconvenience rather than preventing it from doing so is preferable. That is to say, giving the baby up for adoption and accepting the inconvienience you set up for yourself is preferable to eraseing your mistakes, maybe it might even make someone a bit more responsible. Of course there are extenuating circumstances, and the mother may well lie to get the abortion done, but the law will still stand and she will have to face the consequences if she is found out whatever they may be.
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
This is hardly applicable. Asking people that exist if they would have rather not existed can tell us nothing about whether or not a mother can cease a pregnancy..
Then don't bring up this aspect at all, and don't base your reasoning on these sort of thoughts.
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
I find genetic identity to be rather silly and arbitrary. What is established with genetic identity?
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
The scientific grounds must not be arbitrary, they must be bound to those moral grounds we establish through agreement.
Only a little bit more than life, as it exists objectively rather than subjectively, but still not a whole lot, I'm open to any other arbitary scientific basis. You see, the basis might be scientific, but the mapping of your argument to it is very subjective. You would just be picking the most appealing set of facts or interpreting them all to how you see fit.
Moral grounds are subjective, it would be difficult if not impossible to construct a perfect and totally rigorous argument that I should not murder, yet most people agree to hold the same stance on the act.
To Aedes, the genetic identity of the baby is not physically manifest until conception though. In the technical sense the genetic identity of a baby between my mother and Adolf Hitler 'exists', however it would be quite a feat to impregnate a post menapausal woman with the seed of a long dead tyrrant. I was speaking of the physical mainfestation of the genetic identity.
You do make a good point, the genetic balance does favor the woman, however the social balance is even, both parties assume similar responsibility.
Do not take exception to my arguments, I am going to keep playing the devil's advocate for a bit.