@Mr Fight the Power,
I want to clarify somthing. Is it not true that a tumor has the same genetic identity as the person in which it develops? If this is true, then a zygote is not comparable to a tumor, is it? I may well be missing somthing here, but the comparison to a tumor seems inaccurate.
"You avoid complications by picking clearly defined biological points and stay away from impossible to measure things like "viability" or "neurologic maturity" as your criterion.
But that leaves us with either conception or birth as the only two defined points, and they're both extremely problematic. With conception, the problem is that you never know exactly when it has happened, so by that measure you could either never allow or never prohibit abortion -- nothing in between would be logical."
Yes, I thought I was very clear in saying that. No abortion at all could be allowed from the point of view I proposed.
I sympathize with those stricken with diseases like tay-sachs, and I am well aware of how horrible some of these diseases can be, but I purposely cast a wide net to open up the way for this question: How do we legitamize abortion in the case of congenital disease without allowing any undesiered traits/abnormalities/defects to be on equal grounds? How do we keep this from moving into Negative Eugenics?
A negative eugenics and a couple types of eugenics methods a la wikipedia
Negative eugenics is aimed at lowering fertility among the genetically disadvantaged. This includes abortions, sterilization, and other methods of family planning.
Both positive and negative eugenics can be coercive.
Abortion by "
fit" women was illegal in
Nazi Germany and in the
Soviet Union during
Stalin's reign.
promotional voluntary eugenics, in which eugenics is voluntarily practiced and promoted to the general population, but not officially mandated. This is a form of non-state enforced eugenics, using a liberal or democratic approach, which can mostly be seen in the 1900s.
private eugenics, which is practiced voluntarily by individuals and groups, but not promoted to the general population.
Is such a form of eugenics actually beneficial? Can it be justified?
P.S. How do you guys feel about Obama lying about his position and voting record in regard to live-birth abortion, which hewas in favor of? Is there any justification for allowing live birth abortion at all? Is it not in actuality akin to murdering live infants?