Right, lets get this one straight. There is an entire concoction of things going on with our bodies and minds as regards to 'fear'.
It starts like this; when the organism (us, the human) senses a danger, a risk to our survival we get a boost of adrenaline. This happens in many different ways, according to the different situations. This activates the 'fight or flight' response mechanism. Depending on our 'super-ego' and how we subconsciously deem the situation should be handled, we react accordingly. Usually running away (this can be symbolic, it could be just avoiding the 'confrontation') and of course it is perfectly normal to do so-no such thing as a coward.
Its now that the 'rogue-hormones' that were not used in the 'fight-or flight' situation get left to damage our internal organs and build up with the following missed opportunities to spend the trapped hormones on. This is what we know as stress. And it has to come out, the best way is some sort of 'molar-activity' where groups of muscles are used, and no more stress is acquired. Otherwise 'negative-displacement' occurres and the wife gets a shouting at, and the cat gets a boot.
Our 'fight or flight' response is primitive, it sees every threat as a man eating lion, we should know better! But because of ignorance and the fact we don't even know ourselves (the inner man) at all, we dont know how to deal with it! So the fear stops being about the 'man eating lion', and more about the adrenalin releases in our body which we mistake as fear, or anxiety or whatever. And it terror fies us and controls us, even when the lion turns out to be a huge fluffy kids toy of a lion!
We then have developed learned responses to fear (or the fear of stress). 'The inner opponent', the small voice in our heads that constantly feeds us with negative crap about whats going to go wrong or what we cant do becomes the object of our fear. Years of not challenging but cowering makes our 'Wills' non existent, captives of our own minds. So everytime we feel the sensation of 'fear' and the voice warning us of the terminal risk of failure, we back down under another type of defence mechanism. Yet because the root causes are not dealt with, we build up stress, using up more vital energy than we can afford to use which seriously damages our health. Not to mention our personal lives and work. This, not dealt with can lead to constant failure, a life without achievements, recked relationships, nervous breakdowns and even death.
So the mechanism originally designed to enable us to survive in the event of attack can kill us. So the important thing to remember is read the signs properly, because you have adrenalin pumping doesn't mean its fear, its energy. Take control, dont be told by the weak inner voice what to do, say to yourself ''I can handle this''. live positively, and challenge your fears.
The friend of the most extraordinary peoples that have ever lived is fear!