Pathfinder;50041 wrote: But I do think that the intricate complexity of creation absolutely suggests that some Force beyond comprehension is the Originator of this delicate and detailed design we see all around us.
What that Force is I cannot begin to imagine.
Well put, I would say. I am still reading, and by tonight I should be able to finish it off (if, in fact, that time window does open for me). I would much more so tend to offer encouragement on leaving capitalizations out of the wording chosen (unless it is a proper noun), when speaking on the matter, however. (But of course, that's just me.)
The choices in the poll--if I may point out one thinkable drawback-- have no room for that of believing in god--
where that word is a common noun, left open for a number of referents. I consider myself a
non-theist agnostic.
I hope you will excuse me, hirukai, as I cannot fully make out exactly what it is you wish to drive home with the following quote of yours:
Mr kaseiJin… on its own the name you want to assign to the creator, you cannot deny him even if that name is only he. God is perfect, infinity and immutable, the only three sane concepts that it can give to God, them free of any contradiction.[/indent]
It is my desire to assign no name to any understanding regarding any possible external reality deemed worthy of being a god. It was, in my previous post, however, my intention to point out that it would be best to use YHWH instead of "God." While using English (and this is a drive of mine, I will admit) it would be better (if not best) to use the word 'god' when not referring to the YHWH model. Baal is not YHWH, just as Rah, and Dagon are not YHWH--
nor Izanagi, Krishina, Zeus, and so many other models.
Why would anyone not say, I would ponder, that '
god is perfect;' all along fully knowing, of course, that the declaration of being '
perfect' would surely be that emotion of the subjective declarer?
Also, why on earth would anyone wish to assign a gender to god? What does sex have to do with any possible such entity? (and for those who may profess
sex as being their god, there is sadly [perhaps?] no English pronoun form that I know of which signifies any bisexual or asexual singular entity. )