Good questions, Jester. While I could never hope to answer them for you, I can show how I would answer them for myself:
1. Why would people need a God to talk to if they can just talk to themselves? Did humans create "procreation"? Or did some kind of deity?
2. Suffering is allowed to exist because enduring suffering strengthens beings that can rebuild themselves. In enduring adversity, human beings adapt and in some instances evolve, which leads toward becoming a creating entity/deity/god. In such a way, the allowance of suffering is an act of compassion.
3. Within my belief, people who bring the world to such a state as in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four are (likely unknowingly) working against humanity's evolution, as do those who, say, deny or try to stop technological advancement because of religious reasons. If humanity is capable of godly powers, sickness and illness, death and age, pain and suffering could be essentially overcome. These people deny us the ability to overcome these inauspicious things. The type of entity I believe in, however, would do nothing itself to guard against such individuals, because our own revolution against and overthrow of them is part of our evolution. If we cannot free ourselves, we will never appreciate (or comprehend) the viewpoint of a species who has.
4. I can see, hear, touch, and research evidence of human evolution.
5. I've read the Bible and a few other religious texts, but not the Q'uran. Very few of them provide me with any evidence of human evolution, or that our instinct toward evolution is in any way useful to us as a species. While I personally find them pretty useless, I recognize that they could well and easily inspire others to promote the evolution of our species in a myriad of ways.
6. It would be easy for me to dismiss religion altogether, knowing as I do what a destructive and manipulative sort of social institution it can be (and has been). But, I try to the best of my ability to keep in mind what I've mentioned above - that religion may inspire others to promote our advancement in some fashion or other.
To MJA, I would respond:
The concept of a god is One, the concept of a god = All.
Nothing is more powerfully true than the concepts of everything, than the concept of a god, One or All.
Equal is the truth that shall set us free, try it you'll see!
Or something like that.