Refus wrote:I hope the alchemical fumes do not confuse you. But yes, hinduism do presume that you live more then one life, i think. I'm sorry if I am not correct now, by the looks of it, your religion is hinduism. But I'm just saying that it might be possible that the answer to "is life eternal and if so will all get an equal share of the cake?" And the answer is probably "YES" so the universe is infact communistic in nature. It would be simpler to answer if the self was simple. If the self indeed existed in everything, you could not escape your share of the cake. Even though you should be nice anyway, social, happy. Else you wouldn't be natural.
Hi Refus,
No my religion is not Hinduism. I don't "have a religion." Thought I better clear that up.
These kinds of perceptions of "having a religion" are designed for people who cannot walk or fly. They become crutches and labels that separate and destroy...unless you are very wise and careful.
What I showed you in my answer to your gold question is what can be found in all religions, but said much more clearly in notes about Hinduism.
If a person (metaphorically) climbs the steps of a pyramid and there discovers a intimate union with God, does the person "have a step", does the person "have a pyramid?" The person only used the pyramid as it was designed to be used. The person has nothing - but that intimacy with the Beloved that has awakened him or her from an eternal slumber.
The person still must walk back down from the pyramid and bring this intimate connection into real life. The person cannot live on top of the pyramid.
The real answer to your real question in my experience is if you feel you are not "there" to keep dying while living. Never give up looking. Ask and it shall be given, knock and the door will be opened to you. It requires everything within to be able to do this and not go crazy, lose balance and have a complete wipeout. This is true because of societal brainwashing through a variety of ways that are not based in TRUTH.
If you can "die to the I" you can experience oceanic consciousness, which allows you to have a sense of the eternal, silent stillness. It moves and seems to create all of these manifestations, this seemingly infinite and profound universe...but in another sense -- it is nothing. It is a mirage, inherently empty, in the most true sense of what is real, is not very real at all--but just a copy of a copy of a copy of it. Fractalized thoughtmemes reflecting and reverberating throughout the worlds within worlds, underscored by a delicious love that is the primacy of all creations.
What man does on top of all of this can become a nightmare within a Great Dream if he does not know himself. If he does not develop this keen sense of right seeing - he is lost in a world that confronts him at every turn. He lives in fear, separated from the majestical unity of it All. He hides in a cave and longs to sleep to escape the mean and narrow cruelty of the harsh world. Simply because he does not understand his own consciousness.