Greetings Refus,
Why is it that in this well thought out equation you only consider the physical (material)? Are you not aware of the levels above the material?
You begin by saying that the matrix varies over time.
(All that follows is
My Opinion)
I do realize that your post is not directed at anyone in general, however because I began a thread which questioned the reality and nature of a matrix, and or matrices, upon reading your post I felt inclined to insert my two cents.
When I use the word matrix I do not associate it with change, on the contrary it is my fulcrum. Fulcrum implies stability immovability, stillness, and changlessness a foundation from which all things including our concept of time is extended into our concept of reality. Unfortunately most motivated minds proceed carelessly, they attempt to solve the mysteries of the spiritual, materialistically. This is in my opinion incorrect, for like seeks out like. To understand and therefore command material one must know matters source. Is it not spirit which solidifies to become matter (water vapor (spirit) condensing into water (matter))?
Back to the matter at hand. For some strange reason we have given the concept of time the power of mind. Time is just a measuring device. It has no power. It helps us to identify the progression of a cycle. A cycle begins at zero and proceeds to a climax, after which a return to zero follows. Upon reaching zero the whole process is repeated in reverse. As above so below, as below so above completing the cycle. The idea of time helps us to identify our place within any given cycle. Nothing more.
"Here is the problem. Imagine that your boat is repaired over and over again until it has none of the original pieces left."
I have a question. Where are the plans for the original boat? Trust me I understand where you are coming from, and where you are going with this, but can you understand what it is that I mean? We are not talking about a boat, we are discussing a human being. How does one repair the broken mind of the human creation? It is incorrect for us to assume that this task is accomplished in the same manner as a broken boat would be repaired (even though this is our current approach). Where does the mind of the human creation begin and the mind of it's Creator end?
Changing the subject ever so slightly I must say that I am in total agreement on one point and that is that the self is a matrix. For in my opinion it truly is. A matrix fabricated in the image of the Creator matrix. The question should be how, for in comprehending how,all can be repaired, all can be known. The answer should be intuitively sought versus analytical. I believe the answer lies waiting for mankind to rediscover, for there was a time when this knowledge we all seek was common knowledge. We must rid ourselves of our materialistic base and adopt one which embraces the spiritual (foundation) nature of all. All that we have manufactured (material) began as an idea (spiritual) did it not?
Well thats my two cents for the moment.
We are one in the immovable light which centers us all.