plainoldme wrote:David recently insulted me for what he perceives as my lack of intelligence.
I am not sure whether I 'm in error about that; its
possible that sometimes u r just
lazy enuf
to hurl around short,
emotional remarks with no demonstrated factual basis, but that if u cared,
u might be able to offer some kind of factual argument.
I don 't know u well enuf to be able to judge that.
If u have a master's degree, then there is a decent chance
that u r not really as dum as u appear to be (sometimes) on this board.
It coud be possible that maybe u r just
pretending to be that dum.
Maybe u r
faking it. Its hard to tell.
C'mon, Plain! Tell us the truth: r u really that dum or r u a
faker ?
plainoldme wrote:Wow! Would I want David, whose only cause is arming every man, woman and child to find me intelligent???!!!
Absolutely not!
I do not believe David was a lawyer not do I believe he is a member of Mensa.
Your skepticism is sterile, devoid of effect; harmless.
Your admiration has no value and I refuse to invite u to any Mensa dinners!
plainoldme wrote:I do notice that David and okie both rebelled against their parents,
What rebellion is that??
There was nothing to rebel against.
I lived my life in freedom; no reason to rebel.
plainoldme wrote:described as Roosevelt Republicans
Thay were not Republicans b4 I convinced them to be.
Tho I coud not dissuade them from supporting Roosevelt, nor Truman in 1948,
it was ez to get them both to vote for Ike in 1952 and Nixon in 1960.
I loathed Kennedy, worse than Truman, tho I suported his
impeachment for relieving MacArthur.
plainoldme wrote:and are still in rebellion as senior citizens.