12:58, Thursday 1st July ! (Yes July already!
... & I'm just about to go offline, Reyn. Gotta knock off a few more jobs from my LIST. Some holiday.
Aw, I'm sorry about the job not materializing (yet). But you never know. My fingers are still crossed for you.
Me, I'm not bad. Feeling a bit frustrated with myself. I wish I'd achieved much more than I have so far this holiday. (Though I have knocked off quite a few of the "must do" chores.)
Thinking to myself: I wonder what the philosophers do with their day? I would love to know! (Because that's the sort of person I am!

OK, I will offer a cash prize to the first philosopher who posts here. (It will be quite substantial!) If this doesn't work, I'll admit defeat.
Cheers, all.