Yes, it took me a while to figure it out, too, Beth.
I just received this reply from the moderating team in response to my contact to them (before I figured it out):
Quote:It's a part of Robert bringing the Philosophy forum in. I expect it'll continue at least for today.
The Support Team
Thank you,moderator.
So if another a2ker has contacted any of any of you, saying they can't log in .........
It's 9:35 am, Thursday 10th of June, Melbourne:
Woke up about 3/4 of a hour ago.
So happy to have time off & be able to sleep in!I think I have a severe case of the
Winter Tireds here.
Now Poppy is demanding (I mean
really demanding!) attention. Chirruping & almost purring (she never learned to purr properly) as she has her neck scritched.
Me, I'm drinking tea, slowly, very slowly walking up.
Good morning everyone.
Good morning, new Philosophy folk.
Why don't you post here, too? Love to hear from you.
Just don't go asking any tricky philosophical questions till I've properly woken up, OK?