12:40 pm, Sunday 30th May, Melbourne:
Just got home again. Excellent breakfast: poached eggs on toast. (How does she
do that without breaking a single egg? I am awed.) Orange juice & cappuccino.
Then, an introduction to Wii. (I hope that's the correct term.) C had created a cast of (cartoon) characters, including herself, her male friend, her daughter, me & another friend. She wasn't happy she'd gotten the "Olga" character right, so felt a few changes, based on observation & consultation were required. Clothing right (jeans & purple top). Hair almost right, just a few adjustments to the fringe required. Adjustment to glasses & eyebrows, with various options available. The mouth was the hardest part. Just the right wry expression took quite some finding. Got it! Perfect! Very funny!
Then (my god, there was more to come!!!

) we had to indulge in 10 pin bowling, via
Wii Sport, the C character, against the Olga character. (This included aiming, throwing & clicking, scoring or not scoring points.) Needless to say, she beat me. Hands down! Never was that great at bowls.