1.13 pm 25.05.10 in Sydney - and it's cold and raining!
This is supposed to be one of the nice times of year - what happened to the beautiful, crisp autumn days.
At work, and just finishing lunch, tuna and salad wrap, apple, mandarin.
Think I need a nap now!
it's just after 10:30pm and the rains just came through with a cool front.
windows open and house cooling down...
time to feed the fishes.
4: 40 pm, Tuesday 25th May, Melbourme, Oz:
Home sweet home again, on a freezing cold day at work. Brrrr. I kept my coat/jacket on all day (over roll neck jumper & jeans. Inside & outside the classrooms) It was that sort of day.
You never know what the day will bring when emergency teaching .. today I had a pretty easy time of it. Language classes all day. I had to sit in on 3 periods of French classes, with a not-yet-fully qualified young French teacher (new to the school & the country). She was lovely. (Though the students could have been rather more responsive!) I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. (Bonjour!

) At lunch time, when the year 12 students were selling chocolates to help fund their formal, I bought 2 chocolate frogs, one for her & one for me. Turkish for the rest of the day. Discovered that I'm not a half-bad teacher of Turkish culture!
One more day till I have a break (Thursday). Really looking forward to a day off!
6:15 AM ,TUES 5/25,, (8:15 PM MELBOURNE TIME)
Just got up and its a swampy waarm foggy morning. Temp about 65 (F) and not good drying wether. Im just gonna accept that my lower hay field will be a waste of a crop. The vagaries of our climate make hay a dubious crop. The best hay in the US atualy comes from the deserts of NEvada.
QUetion of the day--What did Aristotle praise about pickles?
Up in the morning
5:36 AM
Work like the devil for my pay
But that effin old sun
Ain't got nuthin to dew
But fart around hevinn all day
12:58 PM in Columbus.
I ab tho sthuffy.
The whole family has this but that could go either way -- mass cold, or mass allergies (we all have 'em).
It's gorgeous and sunny and I should be doing yardwork while it's nice and while the ground is still moist, but I feel bleghjaksjljakld. (It's a word.)
At least I'm getting a lot done around the house.
12:20 pm in San Diego
I just picked up the teenager and we're heading out to the orthodontist soon.
She's getting her braces off today - after having retainers and braces for over
4 years. So this is a big and much anticipated deal to her and to my pocket
book too ....
6:25 am, Wednesday 26th May, Melbourne:
Good morning all.
Another early start to another working day. Pitch black & cold out there. Cup of tea on the way.
Looks like this thread has just about run out of puff. Thank you for playing everyone. It's been a lot of fun. And I have a much better grip on what we're all up to at roughly the same time. At last!
A thought: I wish you UKers would join in on these sorts of threads more. Your absence was noted & you were missed.
5:00 pm, Tuesday 25th May, Central Ontario, Canada:
Hi msolga! I have a rhubarb pudding cooling and am about to nudge Mr. Fix-it to start the BBQ so we can get dinner underway. Maybe I'll take down the laundry while the coals are heating. It's been a beautiful sunny (if unseasonably warm) day here.
Its 4:06 pm here in western Ky.
I am sitting here watching Law and Order SVU and doing nothing else.
I have some towels in the washer, and listening to the thunder.
Its about to rain here.
If you don't mind my asking, MM, are you back to driving a big rig?
No, I drive a bus for the local Job Corps now.
However, I am looking for another truck driving job.
Just after 6 p.m. in Toronto. The workday felt long. Long weekends do that to you - make you realize you need another day off.
Hot hot hot, apparently the humidex is over 40 celsius now. I am mucho unimpressed. I really really hate hot weather.
The humidity made my pretty new haircut blow up.
I'm warming up the dogs' broth that will tempt them to eat their kibble.
80 degrees F here in sunny new mexico at 16:23 in the afternoon. Not windy, thank goodness. Earlier today was allergy day, but a half a benedryl kicked that. Gusty winds yesterday though, which might or might not have had something to do with my dsl going out during the overnight hours. I wrassled it back together..
I'm working up to going out to water/plump up sand wells around the plants.
Thinking of making hot and sour shrimp/tofu soup, which I saw mentioned on one of the a2k food threads.
Recipe I picked:
(as usual, I'll change the ingredients - shrimp for the pork, porcini for the black mushrooms - and add one or two)
Serves 4
1 cake tofu (fresh, if possible)
2 ounces pork tenderloin
1 teaspoon soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon tapioca starch (or cornstarch)
1/2 cup bamboo shoots
2 tablespoons black fungus (Wood Ear) or Cloud Ear fungus
(or 3 - 4 Chinese dried black mushrooms or fresh mushrooms)
1 small handful dried lily buds
6 cups water (or 6 cups water and 1 cup Campbell's chicken broth)*
1 teaspoon salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon granulated sugar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons red rice vinegar, white rice vinegar, or red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 Tbsp cornstarch dissolved in 1/4 cup water
1 egg, beaten
1 green onion, finely chopped
White pepper to taste (no more than 1 tablespoon)
Hot chili oil, to taste, optional
Hot and Sour Soup Directions:
Shred pork. Mix marinade ingredients and marinate pork for 20 minutes.
Cut tofu into small squares. Cut bamboo shoots into thin strips and then into fine slices. To reconstitute the fungus, soak in warm water for 20 minutes. Rinse, and cut into thin pieces. (If substituting Chinese dried mushrooms, soak to soften, then cut off the stems and cut into thin strips. If using fresh mushrooms, wipe clean with a damp cloth and slice.)
To reconstitute the dried lily buds, soak in hot water for 20 minutes or until softened. Cut off the hard ends.
Bring the water to a boil. When it is boiling, add the bamboo shoots, fungus or mushrooms, and the lily buds. Stir. Add the tofu. Bring back to a boil and add the marinated pork.
Stir in the salt, sugar, soy sauce and vinegar and sesame oil.
Test the broth and adjust the taste if desired. (If using chicken broth, you may want to add a bit more rice vinegar).
Mix the cornstarch and water. Slowly pour the cornstarch mixture into the soup, stirring while it is being added. Let the broth come back to a boil. As soon as it is boiling, remove the broth from the stove.
Slowly drop in the beaten egg, stirring in one direction at the same time. Add the green onion and the white pepper to taste. Drizzle with chili oil if desired. Serve hot.
(Hot and Sour Soup can be prepared ahead of time and frozen. When making the soup, leave out the tofu. When ready to serve, thaw, add the tofu and bring to boiling. When the soup is boiling, add the egg.)
*Adjust the ratio of water to chicken stock as desired.
A firefighter is missing their family while caring for yours. In the minute it takes you to read this: Firefighters all over the world are saving lives and property. It's Firefighter appreciation week!
8.02 am Wednesday.
Having coffee before dressing to go to work.
Appears cool but not raining.
11.34pm and time to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... beautiful sunny day here around 24 deg C - luverly.
Off to zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
It's 6:38 pm . . . I am recovering from having taught a 3 and 1/2 hour class. My son is recovering from his job moving furniture and from having had to take public transportation home . . . it took 2 hours to go 7 miles.
3:43 p.m. Arizona Time on Tuesday, May 25th ... and a beautiful 85 degrees outside.
5:50 p.m. in albaturkey, 80 F and the wind is NOT blowing, both the front and back gardens are looking good. I need to have the man come and shut down the heating system and turn on the cooling system.