Your police helicopter hovering overhead story reminds me of something that actually happened in my life, tsar. My own Police Helicopter Story!
About 15 years ago, I guess. My then partner (let's call him X) & I were returning (by car) from a shopping expedition early one afternoon .. only to experience the almost deafening noise from a police helicopter overhead, becoming louder, louder & louder! When X opened the boot of the car to remove the big box of green groceries from it, our eardrums nearly exploded! The helicopter actually zoomed down closer & closer, so it was sort of
hovering over the car!

What did they expect to see? A huge container of marijuana plant cuttings? Bomb makings? (Admittedly X (at that time)
did have a rather not-exactly-a-pillar-of-conservative-society-appearance

) but this was really scary & unnerving! What the hell were they looking for?
Anyway, I am looking forward to hearing the outcome of your neighbourhood police helicopter episode!