Eragon709 wrote:I'm 15, homeschooled and supposedly a christian, but i just feel worthless!
Hi, Eragon (boy?) Welcome to the forum. Where are u? I 'm in New York.
I 'm no expert on depression.
I can just offer some thoughts from a gut feeling.
Your problem might just be biochemical,
such that maybe going for medical help can get u some relief from pills.
Eragon709 wrote:I haven't been doing schoolwork for the past 2 weeks and I don't like going to church because
I just get more depressed because I know I'll never be like I'm suppose to.
I've been addicted to porn for more then a year now
(no one but me knows that and its making me really sad cause I try to stop but just can't)
U know that your body is hardwired for sex and sexual thoughts; everyone 's is.
Those urges come from the "old brain" to move u to reproduce.
Eragon709 wrote:and I have really bad acne, I have a really bad fear of talking to anybody in person (including my friends).
If u get them to like u, thay won 't care about your acne.
Additionally, on this forum, we will be
glad and
honored to be your friends.
U r anonymous, and no one can see your acne.
I have never liked
MY face, either.
I wish I looked as good as Simon Baker, the TV actor.
Eragon709 wrote:I don't get out of the house very often because I just feel like i'm of no use to anyone.
U can either:
1. do things that are FUN for u. Thay will make u of use to yourself.
2. Volunteer to do things for other people, of your choice, if u wanna.
Eragon709 wrote:Even things I have to go to like dentist appointments I refuse to go to.
I have friends but I've never really talk to any of them much in person because
I get really worried of what they'll think of me.
If thay get to know u better chances are that thay will like u better; that 's how it usually works out.
Eragon709 wrote:My grandma died the day after my birthday( I think it was my 10th) and I still can't stop thinking about it.
Because I have been out of my body a few times, I do not confuse myself with my body.
Leaving your body does not make u "dead". Death is a fake.
Its like when your car wears out u don 't stop moving.
U get another one, or u walk.
Eragon709 wrote:My parents have tried to help and they said they'd even get me consoling but I refuse to do that
because I don't like talking to people about the way I feel.
Try it. I 've done it a little bit a few times over the years; it felt nice. Give it a shot.
Eragon709 wrote:I've even thought about ways to kill myself.
People who have done that and been brought back to life in hospitals
have reported some
problems with that; against the rules.
Eragon709 wrote: I've taken online depression tests and every time it says sever depression,
so then I just get even more depressed.
Maybe u can get some anti-depressant pills.
Years ago, I felt very bad, emotionally on one occasion.
I was angry; I thought that I 'd been the victim of bad rudeness.
Then I had a good, robust Italian meal; really good.
It was like a miracle: I felt
GOOD. I realized that my problem
not been rudeness: it was low blood sugar. It was chemical.
Eragon709 wrote:The only sport I've ever liked is soccer and thats only because it was the only thing I felt I was good at.
Now that I'm to old to play soccer in my town. My friends have invited me tons of times
to come to their youth groups at their churches but I always say no.
What should I do? I need help?
My sincere 2 opinions are:
1. fill your mind with good and happy thoughts; think of beauty
2. try to get some medical help; pills and counselling.
Thay can overcome your problems.
Also, come back here and let us cheer u up!