Quote:I think that the economic downturn is affecting more than television. I have noticed for quite a while that my super market is not stocking as much as in the past. Ditto for department stores. Double ditto for my local newspaper, where the biggest news is when some athlete or another is traded
all are changing for reasons other than the recession as well. Television is on the way down because people have more channels to watch all the time and are increasingly not watching TV, retail is moving from brick and mortar to online so stores are under pressure to stay profitable on decreased volume, newspapers are on the way out because increasingly people dont use them...the last great use (and profit center) for newspapers was classified ads but the internet distroyed that.
TV is in a death spiral, they keep trying to cut costs because fewwer people and advertisers buy into the shows, which does effect the product quality, which drives even more people and advertisers away. I cut my land line phone years ago, and I probably whould have cut my Cable tv by now if it were not bundled with my interent. Lots of people are moving to not watching anything that looks like TV, or else watch old stuff online through netflixs or some such site...paying for quality new shows gets to be dicey.