This question shows you are a thinking person which is very good. For a fact because of the bad example of many who profess to be followers of Christ, many have a bad view of Christianity. But this is where the Bible can help clear up matters on what true Christianity is as opposed to false, and show you why it is very beneficial to become a true Christian.
At Matthew Chapter 7 and verses 21-23, Jesus made it clear that not everyone claiming to be his followers would actually be Christians. Please consider what he says there.
Also, Jesus demonstrated what true Christianity should relfect. A true love for God and for fellow humans as revealed at John 13:35. True Christianity also highlights how God's Kingdom will bring an end to the suffering and pain experienced by many and fix earthwide the problems that human governments are just simply unable to solve.
What God's Kingdom will accomplish:
1: Bring an end to all war: Psalm 46:9
2: All wicked to be removed: Psalm 37:9-11, 29; Matthew 5:5
3: Sickness and death done away with: Revelation 21:3, 4.
If you wouold like to know more there is a wonderful Christian website called Jw.org. There you will find a great deal more that shows why true Christianity is something you would really find beneficial and appealing.