Wed 12 May, 2010 07:45 pm
I just watched Rachel Maddow showcase a group of lying US Senators, who just happened to be Republican, commenting on the new SC justice. Funny how the problems that they see in this Obama nominee were the pluses for GWB's Miers nominee.
Is there a group of Democrat senators who are this venal/forgetful/... ?
I guess the question is whether any US senators attacked Harriet Meiers for no judicial experience. That should be easy to find out, don't you think?
The funny thing is, a quick google shows that Miers was recommended by Harry Reid a democrat and it was agreed by the leading senators on the judicial committee that judicial experience wasn't a requirement.
Quote:The funny thing is, a quick google shows that Miers was recommended by Harry Reid a democrat and it was agreed by the leading senators on the judicial committee that judicial experience wasn't a requirement.
That's a fair enough assessment for a Dem or a Repub, lib or con,commie or socialist. What the test is, do these same people then completely reverse their position on a different nominee?
not sure about stripes, most of them seem to like solid colours
I think that was the point. The Dems who are ignoring the current candidate's lack of judicial experience did the same when the candidate came from the other party.
All parties, all affiliations, have idiots and losers within them.
This is especially true in politics.
The vast, vast, majority of hypocrits and liars are on the right. For instance, I have received hundreds of hoax, usually libelous, e-mails, and every one was from the right.
In fact, the inability to lie like the right has hindered the libs in succeeding in politics.
Quote:The Dems who are ignoring the current candidate's lack of judicial experience did the same when the candidate came from the other party.
That seems to point to a uniformity of ideas, Engineer, which is clearly not what these Repub senators did. They all did a complete 180. That which was acceptable for Miers became a big negative for Obama's nominee.
What was so stunning about it all was that the language was virtually identical, save for the inclusion or deletion of negatives.
Yes. Politician and hypocrite are synonomus no matter the party.