Gun safety training for kids

Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 05:05 pm
A few things for you, Boomer:

This organization distributes free gun lock devices and safety education via law enforcement agencies. Until you feel comfortable with Mo's ability to make good decisions about guns, you might want to get a few of these free locks to give to the homes of his friends that have guns in the house. Don't ever be bashful about asking the adults if there are guns in the house that Mo will be visiting. If there are, and they don't already have gun locking devices, these are free.


Project ChildSafe
Project ChildSafe is a nationwide program whose purpose is to promote safe firearms handling and storage practices among all firearms owners through the distribution of key safety education messages and free gun locking devices.

Project ChildSafe is an expansion of the Project HomeSafe program developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

Where To Get Your Free Firearm Safety Kit
Project ChildSafe distributes free firearm safety kits through law enforcement departments and other agencies in your state.

Click on your state on the map below for distribution dates, locations and special events.

Here's the list for Oregon:


Here's a description of the locking device and diagrams on how it works with various types of guns:


Here's a McGruff organization list of gun safety tips for kids. It includes some cartoon strips and coloring pages with similar saftey tips.


Here's something in a similar vane from the FBI that is targeted for elementary school aged kids.


And here's the NRA's version of the same thing -- it's a DVD.


And the NRA's Parental guide for kid gun safety. Lots of the type of info you are looking for here:


Here's a link to Oregon State's Fish and Wildlife Department's Hunter Safety Classes for Kids:


This is a good page aimed at teaching kids how to safely be around guns.


Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 05:10 pm
To drewdad, and boomer -
Yeah, I guess I was an asshole. An asshole with a background, re a father who dealt with bombs and as a woman who lived in violent gang territory. I have my biases, which showed here.

I wasn't taught to hunt, though my father and uncle were bird hunters, thus the family irish and english setters. I sold their rifles to Abercrombie and Fitch when I inherited them, a dumb move for sure. I don't understand hunting for sport, never have. It makes me cringe to think of. Hunting to live, I do.

Also, my husband's family was house invaded when he was a teen, all down on the floor - and the rifle in the closet did no good. The brother mentioned a piggy bank to the invaders, and that gave the mother a chance to get out the front door and start yelling. I think chances with that shotgun might have gotten one of the family killed.

My instinctive stomach clench is not to teach a troubled nine year old to shoot. I don't think Mo is any maniac (etc.). I just think nine is young to have the knowledge. I do agree about teaching gun safety, and I suppose that is oxymoronic. My instinct is for later, like twelve, re gun safety. I gather all but tsar disagree with me.

I guess I am sorry about the tangent about Mo's uncle and his admiration for him, but I do see Mo as being almost inevitably led to the military, by his own interests and fondness. Sort of an early capcha. I admit I don't think that would somehow be all bad, but I have reservations along the line that the interest seems so dominant.
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 05:14 pm
Like hammers, guns are inanimate objects -- tools.

If I am overweight, I shoud not blame my cutlery for it.

Let us recognize the need to take personal responsibility for the effects of our decisions.

But the presence of a gun can change things, David.

A gun cost me the best friend I ever had.

She never touched the gun.

And nobody shot her.

But what she saw changed who she was and how she was able to relate to people.

If someone had not had immediate access to a gun things would have been different and I would still have my best friend.
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 05:29 pm
Wow Butrflynet. You rock!

I'm going to work my way through those links.

For the most part I've gotten over being uncomfortable asking other familys about their gun ownership and habits. My freak out happened over a family that didn't have guns and Mo was always free to go to their house. Suddenly they had guns and I had to butt into an established relationship with my questions. It was awkward.

Thanks again.
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 05:34 pm
Water under the bridge, osso.

I know guns are a loaded topic (no pun intended) and people come to the table with all kinds of ideas.

My instinctive stomach clench is to not teach any kid about guns but I have to overcome that when Mo's safety is an issue.

When I was Mo's age I wanted to be a photographer so I can't say that he'll change his mind about soldiering. I'd prefer he be a neurosurgon or a drummer in a rock band or a garbage man but I don't get to chose.
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 05:42 pm
NRA helps us co-ordinate to use democracy to fight against gun control, defending our Constitutional rights.
It helps us know who to vote for and against in November.

Youve made my case better than I hoped. I like to have my guns but I believe that in the US GUNS are terribly out of control . Most anyone can have access to any kind of gun including full autos. A 2nd amendment with no limits is too scary to envison. You seem to espouse a view that the only way to control gun crimes is to have even more guns available. Ill never buy that insanity.
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 05:55 pm
my reaction to this thread---for those that desire rational gun control, start by being rational yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 06:10 pm
boomerang wrote:

Suddenly they had guns and I had to butt into an established relationship with my questions. It was awkward.

That kids and guns website that was the first link in that list also has tips for parents to help with conversation starters to make it easier to ask about guns in the house of friends.

There's actually quite a bit of info there. Most of it seems to be dedicated to guns, kids and school violence but if you can weed that out from the rest of it, you'll find some good tips.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 06:28 pm
David wrote:
NRA helps us co-ordinate to use democracy to fight against gun control, defending our Constitutional rights.
It helps us know who to vote for and against in November.
farmerman wrote:
Youve made my case better than I hoped.
I like to have my guns but I believe that in the US GUNS are terribly out of control.
It is impossible for them to be "out of control" because thay r inanimate objects.
Thay just lie there MOTIONLESS until someone uses them, like someone uses a hammer.

farmerman wrote:
Most anyone can have access to any kind of gun including full autos.
Of course! Some years ago, I read of prisoners building
a fully functional submachinegun in the prison workshop one-part-at-a-time, with the guards around,
and assembled in private. If that was done IN A PRISON,
clearly in the freedom of access to the hardware stores of America, thay can build ANYTHING.

If u believe that in America PROHIBITIONS actually work,
then u believe that no one here has any access to marijuana.

farmerman wrote:
A 2nd amendment with no limits is too scary to envison.
That is the basic, fundamental way that America was created.
I refuse to give up my freedom; if u don 't like that, its too bad.
Its still a free country anyway, regardless of your emotions.

farmerman wrote:
You seem to espouse a view that the only way to control gun crimes is to have even more guns available.
Ill never buy that insanity.
U have a right to your opinion.
Your opinion cannot change my Constitutional rights.

Control of guns can have NO PART in addressing crime.
Violently recidivistic criminals (sane or not) can be and shoud be ISOLATED
from the decent people; preferably not on the North American Continent (unless the Canadians want them).

Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 06:31 pm
Here's the Boy Scouts of America page with guidelines for scouts and firearms experiences. It doesn't have any resources linked but does give some guidelines you might need to help you make decisions on what type of firearm education would be appropriate for Mo.


0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 07:16 pm
ossobuco wrote:
I just think nine is young to have the knowledge.

There's lots of knowledge for which people think kids are too young, but that kids really ought to have.

Sex comes to mind as an example.
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 08:02 pm
Listening, boomer.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 08:06 pm
David wrote:
Like hammers, guns are inanimate objects -- tools.

If I am overweight, I shoud not blame my cutlery for it.

Let us recognize the need to take personal responsibility for the effects of our decisions.
boomerang wrote:
But the presence of a gun can change things, David.

A gun cost me the best friend I ever had.

She never touched the gun.

And nobody shot her.

But what she saw changed who she was and how she was able to relate to people.

If someone had not had immediate access to a gun things would have been different
and I would still have my best friend.
Most Respectfully, boomer, things were the same
before guns were invented; human nature has not changed.
In 328 B.C. Alex the Great took a spear and killed his close friend Cleitus,
who had heroically saved his life at the Battle of Granicus River.

People see the external weapon and believe that the danger lies therein,
but the REAL weapon is in the HUMAN MIND. The external object is only a manifestation.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 08:14 pm
ossobuco wrote:
I guess I am sorry about the tangent about Mo's uncle and his admiration for him,
but I do see Mo as being almost inevitably led to the military, by his own interests and fondness.
So WHAT?? There is no militiary conscription.
If Mo joins the military, it will be where and among whom he chooses to BE. What is the problem ??

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 08:18 pm
There are songs about this.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 08:22 pm
I figure I am wrong, but I don't like it. Nine is when I learned about Bambi.
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 09:22 pm
ossobuco wrote:
I figure I am wrong, but I don't like it.
Nine is when I learned about Bambi.
8 is when I fashioned my first holster from scrap leather.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 May, 2010 10:04 pm
U have a right to your opinion.
Your opinion cannot change my Constitutional rights
Thats what I like about the Constitution, It shall evolve and live longer than you and I. Maybe it wont happen in my lifetime but I cannot see the out of control brandihing of guns going on for too much longer without the sane population of america saying "ENOUGH" and electing representatives to reflect that (or as you would say ENUF)

impossible for them to be "out of control" because thay r inanimate objects.
Thay just lie there MOTIONLESS until someone uses them, like someone uses a hammer.

Stop trying to slink back into your doddering old man act. You knpw what Im saying.

If u believe that in America PROHIBITIONS actually work,
then u believe that no one here has any access to marijuana
SO far no 9 year old girl standing on a street corner has been sprayed and killed by an automatic doobie

I refuse to give up my freedom; if u don 't like that, its too bad.
Its still a free country anyway, regardless of your emotions
Im not the one who is misspelling and typing with bold typefonts . Usually such font faces are signs of shouting and deep emotion. SO youre accusing me of something on which youve written the book .

Violently recidivistic criminals (sane or not) can be and shoud be ISOLATED
from the decent people; preferably not on the North American Continent (unless the Canadians want them).

OK hows that working for you. I dont see that in the ner future do you? Does your belief in NDE's include precognition too?
When someone proposes such legislation maybe you can talk seriously. Right now its poppycock and an old mans fantasy. We need to think and act seriously re gun crimes and availability of guns to anyone who has the cash. WE need to start with the NRA and its bunch of old fools who want to arm everyone with fifty guns a month .
Why does the NRA stand in the way of sane laws like
1Closing gun show loopholes to mass sales of guns

2reporting of stolen or missing guns

3interstate transfer of gun masses like 50 guns a month purchases by a single individual

4 easy acquisition of automatic weapons

Reply Wed 12 May, 2010 01:31 am
David wrote:
U have a right to your opinion.
Your opinion cannot change my Constitutional rights
farmerman wrote:
Thats what I like about the Constitution, It shall evolve and live longer than you and I.
It does not "evolve". That is nonsense; a recipe for fraud.
How 'd u like it if u made a deal
and when u went to claim what u had coming to u
the other party told u that the deal had "evolved" i.e.: screw u.

It can be amended by the process of Article 5.
I 'm confident that we can and will hold that back.
That 's Y Obama has not even TRIED that.

farmerman wrote:
Maybe it wont happen in my lifetime but I cannot see the out of
control brandihing of guns going on for too much longer without
the sane population of america saying "ENOUGH" and electing
representatives to reflect that (or as you would say ENUF)
Baloney! The progressive collapse of gun control has great momentum, thrown out of 41 States now, since 1987
and that is even BEFORE the forthcoming freedom of the McDONALD case from USSC next month.
Personal Gun liberty will pick up a lot of momentum from that.

David wrote:
If u believe that in America PROHIBITIONS actually work,
then u believe that no one here has any access to marijuana
farmerman wrote:
SO far no 9 year old girl standing on a street corner has been sprayed and killed by an automatic doobie
Prohibitions operate only on citizens who are
obsessed with obaying the law;
how well did that work in the 1920s, Farmer? Prohibitions are a joke.

David wrote:
I refuse to give up my freedom; if u don 't like that, its too bad.
Its still a free country anyway, regardless of your emotions
farmerman wrote:
Im not the one who is misspelling
O, yes u r!!!

farmerman wrote:
and typing with bold typefonts.
Usually such font faces are signs of shouting and deep emotion.
SO youre accusing me of something on which youve written the book.
Truth remains unaffected by the means in which it is written.

David wrote:
Violently recidivistic criminals (sane or not) can be and shoud be ISOLATED from the decent people;
preferably not on the North American Continent (unless the Canadians want them).
farmerman wrote:

OK hows that working for you. I dont see that in the ner future do you?
I don 't.

farmerman wrote:
Does your belief in NDE's include precognition too?
Not significantly, and when it happens,
u don 't know it, until the precognized event has actually happened.
Up until then, it was only a thought.

farmerman wrote:
When someone proposes such legislation maybe you can talk seriously.
Right now its poppycock and an old mans fantasy.
I used to be younger, when I thought it up.

farmerman wrote:
We need to think and act seriously re gun crimes and availability of guns to anyone who has the cash.
Not true; we can just forget about it and go for incarceration on a long-term basis. That 's what we r gonna do.

farmerman wrote:
WE need to start with the NRA and its bunch of old fools who want to arm everyone with fifty guns a month.
During the last 50 years, the NRA has not armed me with even a single gun. How many did it give U ??

farmerman wrote:
Why does the NRA stand in the way of sane laws like
1Closing gun show loopholes to mass sales of guns

2reporting of stolen or missing guns

3interstate transfer of gun masses like 50 guns a month purchases by a single individual

4 easy acquisition of automatic weapons
Because of NO JURISDICTION to interfere, one reason of which is to enable us citizens to overthrow the government.
How the hell are we supposed to overthrow the government if IT is in charge of deciding what weapons we can use ????
Government in America was created by SUCCESSFUL REVOLUTIONARIES. Did u forget that????

0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 May, 2010 01:39 am

I 'm sorry for participating
in dragging your thread off topic
with all this political theorizing, boomer.

0 Replies

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