Msolga-That site is really neat. I love to see how RvR painted himself as either the subject , or an interested observer within his body of work over the years. AS his financial problems grew(He was apparently unable to handle the financial success and then the early adulation followed by rejection later in life). His self portraits show this kinda "Burgher" looking dude of which he wasnt shy in portraying, warts and all. Vermeer also did a few in which they say that he included himself asthe asubject (the ARtist in His Studio and The Geographer are two such works)
Picassos self portraits transcend the need to show ones face in a dramatic "academic" style. His were always being influenced by artists who were still alive or had recently passed (He did a self portrait in the style of MANET).
My pwrsonal favcorite artists are Edward Hopper, Frank Frazetta (who died just last week), F E Church, Carl Evers, Chris MAgyers, and A whole host of the Impressionists work(I like a lot of , but not all, of C Pisarros stuff ) Monet was a real good eyeball wasnt he.?
Of the moderns , its always Picasso, Picabbia,DuChamp, Gramma Moses, Nevelson, Brancusi, Rothko, and Kollwitz.
I tried painting like almost every one of the above and have settled on a style thats been called "Industrial".
Im sorry I didnt recall seeing a request to start a thread on art favs. Usually those become just mass lists in which we recite. ALso, I think osso started such a thread several years ago. I like to ressurect old threads whenever we get some new interest. It gives a continuity of a subject. Why not send osso a PM and aske her to dredge up her old thread . I think I posted on it but I have so many subjects of posts in my queue that I cant get beyond 3 pages without getting confused.
I do have a thread called "Any New Art Projects Going ON' I ve been using that like a journal of my work just like my old boat thread.
I guess I could go on