You dont gross me out lady. We havent raised any pigs for about 3 years and we still have to get lard fro a local amishman when he does hog butchering every year. LArd is the Greatest fat there is. Its like bacon and its the BEST fat for making stuff like thinly fried potatoes or fried codfish or trout.
We also eat something called "scrapple" which is a mixture of nasty hog bits , cornmeal, spices and held togethre with LARD.
PS my cholesterol is under 170 and we do this kind of cooking in moderation.
QWe also use Lard for waffles and fruit pie crusts(use butter for punkin and cream pies).A waffle made with extra butter and with the iron just lightly brushed with lard , makes the taste of an old fashioned waffle that makes ya happy.
PS OH YEH, I make some of the best sopaipillas (after a recipe I was given from somebody on abuzz in 2000). Sopaipillas fried in a lard lava are so good. They are tender yet crispy on the surface. The perfect accompaniment to really hot Mexican or Szechaun food