Thu 6 May, 2010 04:42 am
What he says and what he means:
“Freeze” " Two Step Diet Plan: 1. Gorge at an all-you-can-eat buffet 2. Repeat for the next three years
“Unprecedented levels” " The current level of government spending, the highest since WW II
“Children and grandchildren” " The people picking up the tab
“Crisis” -- Excuse to hike taxes and grow the government per Rahm Emmanuel’s theory: “Never waste a crisis”
“There are those who…” " [INSERT STRAW MAN HERE]
“Banks” " Recipients of bailout funding not named Government Motors, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac
“Wall Street” " Place where your 401(k) and IRA live and where the bank tax would be collected from
“Main Street” " Place where you live and where the rest of Obama’s tax hikes would be collected from
“Middle Class” " Those who make less than $250,000 a year and yet are the target of seven tax hikes in Obamacare
“Hope” " Home town of a former President who could teach Obama a lot about listening to voters when his leftist policies prove
to be unpopular
“Change” " Take-home pay of future generations due to massive spending increases and government expansion
“Bipartisan” " Democrat efforts to get Republican fingerprints on bad pieces of legislation
“Investment” " The government spending your tax dollars
“As I’ve said before” " Prepare for a poll-tested line from stump speeches
“Washington special interests” " Lobbyists who comply with the law, unlike the SEIU’s Andy Stern
“Status quo” " A $100 billion hike in domestic spending which Obama wants to “freeze”
“Let me be clear” " Prepare yourself for meaningless truism
“Tax cuts to 95% of working families” " Don’t ask about the $2.1 trillion in tax hikes proposed or endorsed during my first year
“Executive pay” " A serious problem because large cash awards are only appropriate when politicians dole out taxpayer money to
the pet projects of their sons, brothers, wives, or campaign contributors.
“Trillion-dollar deficit” " The new definition of fiscal austerity in the Obama era, which he wants to “freeze”.
“Sacrifice” " Tax hikes
“Bailout” or “TARP funding” " Monies issued by the federal government, most of which has been returned except from
Government Motors and other Obama allies
“Recovery Package” " Politically correct term for “stimulus package”
“Too big to fail” " Definition of a company favored by Obama allies and/or Federal Reserve technocrats