Man, if this were an unflattering tv special about Bill and Hillary and the DNC started demanding to review it and tried to suppress it the right wing would have a field day, talking about how the media had a right to portray anyone anyway they wanted, it was just a television show, it was probably all true anyway, Democrats are trying to control the media, bla bla bla puke ad nauseum, but when it's "Ronald off the Cross" it's a whole different ball game.
These RNC people remind me of the ass kissing Safety Patrol geeks from elementary school that ran to the principal every time something happened they didn't like to snitch and whine.
Grow up you pussies. Surely you must have confidence that your modern day savior Ronnies image will remain untarnished no matter who says what, because you certainly seem to worship Ronnie in the same manner as Christ is worshipped.
If you don't think Reagans image can withstand one little tv special, maybe you should reevaluate your hero, or at the very least stop whining, it's unseemly.