@cicerone imposter,
Quote:If you worked as a travel guide, and you took your clients to one quickie spot just to take pictures and leave, I'm not sure you're a good travel guide.
There are different ways to take a picture.
On a stop with linited time - has nothing to do with the work of the guide, but the planners.
A picture for your own memories.
As a photographer who might or might not be professional and who spents hours to get the perfect picture. But is very few of us who has the patience or the eye for that.
Also I think it is important that a picture has a text. The story behind a picture is important. Why certain streetnames in a certain place.
Why a French and Swedish streetname together. An explanation would be nice.
Where are these streetnames from?
1. Kirke Gaten
Trolls stien
2. Wästra Strandgatan
3. Kongens Gade
4 Trothastraße