Francis wrote:
George wrote:this failing model just as its disintegration begins in Europe.
I think this is of the order of beliefs, George.
And you know how I hold beliefs in low-esteem..
(ok, we are doomed

I recognize your skepticism and acknowledge that the real world is far more complex than the often simplistic models we use to analyze and "understand" its workings. However, the retrospective analysis of history, distant and recent, does permit us to deduce cause and effect, particularly in economic matters, with some accuracy. Predictions of the future are far more problematic, precisely because of the complexity and non-linear character of the dynamics. Indeed that's why I put little stock in one of the most fashionable of contemporary beliefs - the religion of environmentalism and global warming.
However, the combination of relatively slow long-term economic growth; rapidly ageing and even declining populations; together with already high taxes and deficits required to finance expansive social programs; with electorates unwilling to tolerate changes and a political class even less willing to challenge them -- does not appear to leave anyone with a way out of an eventual crisis. This has already happened in Greece : Portugal & Spain could be next.
In terms of demographics and recent economic trends, France is in much better shape than most European countries. Recent data shows the populations of Germany, Italy, Poland, Hungary,Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovenia are all declining, and Spain, Belgium and Slovakia aren't far behind. The ratios of the population cadres under age 15 to those over 65 paints an even grimmer picture. The ratio is 1.58 in the U.S. and 0.98 in the EU overall - Gerrmany & Italy are at 0.67. France is an EU leader at 1.13. The median age in Germany & Italy is 7 years greater than that in the US and 4.5 years greater than that in France. The median age in Greece is only 2 years less than that in Germany or Italy.
We really are all doomed, just as the earth will one day be consumed by an expanding red giant sun. However, until then we will live.