Thu 22 Apr, 2010 01:39 pm
George, if you are still reading this forum, I could use your expertise. I am trying to translate a chinese saying into latin. It goes like this "The sky is long, the earth is old/ancient (sic), we will never let go". My fiancee who is chinese explains that it means our love will last as long as the sky and earth and so shall never be parted. sounds nicer in chinese but I want to surprise her. Any help???????
Yes, I'm still reading this forum.
Caelum longum est, terra veta est, et nunquam relinquimus.
We have something in common. My wife is also chinese.
For veta read vetus, and for relinquimus relinquemus.
Hi George
Many thanks, cant wait the look on her face when i show her this.
You're welcome, helmsley01439.