Sat 17 Apr, 2010 08:52 pm
Let's begin a thread in which we review journals and magazines and recommend articles in current editions.
Several years ago, littlek started a great thread, what book are you reading now, which people continually add to.
While we no longer have the richness of choice in journals and magazines that we once had, we still have some valuable publications. However, not all of us have the time to read all these paper volumes and some are obscure enough to be missed by folks in smaller cities and rural areas.
Commenting and reviewing periodicals would be a real service. Since the a2k wits would be certain to contribute, it will even be fun.
The 10 April 2010 edition of Newsweek has several valuable stories, the most valuable being a balanced editorial on right wing hate mongering. There was also an interesting analysis of John Paul Stevens' role on the SC that was also an examination of the court over the past 1/3rd century.
And,for those who can not resist something more tabloid in nature, there was a lovely photo essay on Grace Kelly as a fashion icon that will remind you what beauty is.
Two of my favorite weekly periodicals are of the
local sort:
New York Magazine and
Time Out New York.
Both are great resources for books, movies, and art reviews.
Is New York Magazine something other than the New Yorker? I also haven't heard of Time Out NEw York.