OmSigDavid wrote:I cannot see licensing people's right to self defense from predatory violence, an inalienable right.
Thomas wrote:Do you approve of banning gun sales to violent criminals and psychotics?
If so, how would you implement the ban without licenses?
In my mind, I define psychotics as not being human, and thus, beyond constitutional protection.
(Now someone will call
me among the affected minority.)
As to violent criminals, I have said many, many times
that we, the decent people, need to counter-attack
the MAN,
not his tools. If a man has proven by a nasty criminal history
to be intolerably dangerous, then he shoud be
from the decent people, ideally
NOT on the North American Continent.
Prohibitions are a
JOKE; thay r ineffective.
Do u know anyone who
desires marijuana but cannot get it??
President Bush showed a plastic envelope containing prohibited narcotics
that were sold 2 blocks from the White HOuse.
Additionally, there is the constitutional requirement
of "equal protection of the laws"; if a criminal is released
from prison, if someone tries to rob him or kill him,
does he have the moral right to defend himself?
If criminals or pit bulls in the street attack his mom
or his child, he has a moral right and a constituional right
to defend her.
Thus, in my opinion, it is both
to prevent criminals from getting guns
if thay are attacked (like Paul Castellano) during an innocent act,
thay have as much moral right as anyone to defend themselves.
It is
unconscionable to make them play Russian Roulette,
but we
CAN get rid of the
CRIMINAL HIMSELF, far, far, far away.
Perhaps the Austrailians will consider renting us Botany Bay,
or some part thereof.