If you are in Texas, or most parts of it, red eye refers to either a ham based gravy or the cheapest-near vinegar- screw-top wine you can buy. I say most parts of it because Texas is not one place.
There are people in Muleshoe who have never seen the Gulf of Mexico, mostly because it never comes up in any conversation. And there are people in Del Rio who have heard of Dallas but mostly through the old tv series, not because its of any interest to them.
Out in the dry counties where you can't get a beer of any kind, no how, no way, no night, no day --the drink of choice is Dr. Pepper and Salted Peanuts. You can put peanuts in your Coke if you want to but you won't be completely true to the tradition.
I mixed up some Coke and peanuts at a Yankee Stadium game once, about drove the people I was with crazy.
My first thought was that I had been wrong not to use Dr. Pepper, but their objections came from their unfamiliarity with the fine dining habits of Sterling County, Texas.
Joe(btw---ALL soft drinks in Texas are called Coke even Dr. Pepper)Nation